분야 |
등록번호 |
도서명/저자명 |
발행사항 |
자료형태 |
가스안전 |
AR009529 |
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Technology in the Application of
Syngas-Purification Units/Zhifeng Li, Zhengxiang Wang, Junke Miao and Hui W |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
원문 |
가스안전 |
EM003755 |
KHK TD 5201 超高?ガス設備に?する基準の水素適用に係る技術文書案/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003756 |
KHK TD 5202 ?縮水素蓄?器用複合?力容器に?する技術文書案/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003757 |
高?ガス保安技術 : 甲種化??機械講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003758 |
(高?ガス製造保安責任者) 甲種化??機械 試?問題集 : 平成27年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003759 |
(よくわかる) 計算問題の解き方 : 高?ガス甲種資格者への近道/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003760 |
(中級) 高?ガス保安技術 : 乙種化??機械講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003761 |
(高?ガス製造保安責任者) 乙種化??機械 試?問題集 : 平成26年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003762 |
(よくわかる) 計算問題の解き方 : 高?ガス丙種?乙種用/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2011 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003763 |
液化石油ガス保安技術 : 丙種化?液石講習テキスト-/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003764 |
(初級) 高?ガス保安技術 : 丙種化?特別講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003765 |
(高?ガス製造保安責任者) 丙種化? 試?問題集 : 特別試?科目 : 平成26年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003766 |
(よくわかる) 計算問題の解き方 : 第一種冷凍機械及び第二種冷凍機械資格取得への近道/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003767 |
第一種販?講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2009 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003768 |
第一種高?ガス販?主任者試?問題と解? : 平成26年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003769 |
(よくわかる) 計算問題の解き方 : 設備士?販??特定?移動等の基礎計算に强くなる/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003770 |
第二種販?講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2008 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003771 |
高?ガス移動監視者講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003772 |
高?ガス移動監視者講習テキスト : 液化石油ガス/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003773 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : 液化酸素編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003774 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : 液化?素編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003775 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : 液化アンモニア編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003776 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : ?縮水素編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003777 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : 液化石油ガス編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003778 |
高?ガス取扱ガイドブック : 特殊高?ガス編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003779 |
高?ガス保安法令 (抄)/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003780 |
特定高?ガス取扱主任者?定問題集 : 平成27年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003781 |
充てん作業者講習テキスト : 平成27年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2011 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003782 |
液化石油ガス保安業務員講習テキスト : 平成27年度版/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003783 |
液化石油ガス調査員講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003784 |
製造事業所の安全管理のポイント/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003785 |
製造事業所で役立つ?育訓練/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003786 |
製造事業所におけるプラントの安全設計/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003787 |
製造事業所における危?物質の取扱い/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003788 |
高?ガス製造保安係員講習テキスト : 一般高?ガス編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003789 |
高?ガス製造保安係員講習テキスト : 液化石油ガス編/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003790 |
充てん作業者再講習テキスト/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003791 |
ガス用ポリエチレン管接合作業及び?育?訓練マZニュアル/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003792 |
ガス用ポリエチレン管技術資料/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003793 |
コ?ルドエバポレ?タ取扱いハンドブック/고압가스보안협회 |
고압가스보안협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003794 |
冷凍特別?置?査員講習テキスト : 冷凍設備の材料と機械試?及び非破?試?/고압가스보안협회 |
오무사, 2014 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003795 |
材料强度學總論/대남정영 |
오무사, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003796 |
材料强度物性學/임촌금남 |
오무사, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003797 |
强度解析學(1)/강촌홍지 |
오무사, 1985 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003798 |
强度解析學(2)/아부무치 |
オ-ム社, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003799 |
破壞强度學/大路濟嗣 |
オ-ム社, 1985 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003800 |
疲勞强度學/西谷弘信 |
오무사, 1985 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003801 |
環境高溫强度學/대곡륭일 |
오무사, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003802 |
機械構造强度學/조전태영 |
배풍관, 1984 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
EM003803 |
線形破壞力學入門/강촌홍지 |
양현당, 1993 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003804 |
機械の疲勞壽命設計/中村宏 |
양현당, 1983 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
EM003805 |
金屬の疲勞と破壞の防止/석교정 |
일본기계학회, 1983 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003806 |
(技術資料) 機械·構造物の破損事例と解析技術/日本機械學會 |
東京大學出版, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003807 |
未來社會材料工學/山堂昌男 |
東京大學出版, 1984 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003808 |
機械材料およびの機械的性質と試驗法/일본재료학회 |
丸善, 1980 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
EM003809 |
金屬力學的性質/高村仁一 |
丸善, 1975 |
단행본 |
화학공학 |
EM003810 |
鋼の熱處理/日本鐵鋼學會 |
日本ガス機器??協?, 1976 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003857 |
業務用ガス機器の設置基準及び?務指針/日本ガス機器??協? |
고압가스보압협회, 2007 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003858 |
アルミニウム合金製一般繼目なし容器再檢査基準 : KHKS 0152 (2012) (2007+新舊照表)/고압가스보안협회 |
전국고압가스용기검사협회, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003859 |
高壓ガス容器再檢査及び設備基準 : LPガス編/전국고압가스용기검사협회 |
全國高壓ガス容器檢査協會, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
EM003860 |
高壓ガス容器再檢査及び設備基準 : 一般ガス編/전국고압가스용기검사협회 |
경제산업조사회, 2009 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM016882 |
(맥 쓰는 사람들과 함께하는) Mac OS X 바이블/김상우 |
마음의 등불, 2015 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM016883 |
아쉬탕가 요가 오브 마인드/황승욱 |
예문사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016884 |
산업안전 지도사 Ⅲ 기업진단·지도 : 1차필기시험대비/강성두 |
에스티앤북스, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016893 |
가스기능장 실기/서상희 |
돌베개, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016899 |
가스기술사/서정우 |
예문사, 2011 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016900 |
방화공학실무핸드북 = Fire protection engineering handbook/한국소방기술사회 |
성안당, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016901 |
(무료 동영상이 있는) 소방설비기사 필기 : '85-최근 과년도 문제 총수록 : 초스피드 기억법/공하성 |
BM성안당, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016902 |
(무료 동영상이 있는) 소방설비기사 실기 : 초스피트 기억법 : 기계분야/공하성 |
정토출판, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016907 |
(It's easy) 환경공학(개론)/조기철 |
서울고시각, 2015 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM016908 |
(It's easy) 환경보건(학)/신은상 |
신광문화사, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016909 |
(환경인을 위한)환경화학/김세진 |
예문사, 2010 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016910 |
(2015) 가스산업기사 필기/권오수 |
세화, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016911 |
(2015) 산업안전기사 : 필기 과년도/정재수 |
살림, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016914 |
(완전합격) 가스기사·산업기사 실기시험문제 = Gas
industry/양용석 |
인플루엔셜, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016916 |
(국내 온실가스 분야 전문가가 집필한) 온실가스관리 기사·산업기사 : 한 권으로 끝내기!/김득수 |
걷는나무:웅진씽크빅, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016919 |
산업안전(산업)기사 실기 : 작업형/정재수 |
청림출판, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016921 |
산업안전(산업)기사 실기 : 필답형/정재수 |
창비, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016933 |
(최신) 환경공학/이광래 |
동화기술, 2009 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016934 |
해양환경공학 = Marine environmental engineering/한국해양환경공학회 |
정림사, 2008 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016935 |
폐기물관리실무/권기홍 |
성안당.com, 2008 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016936 |
(환경공학도 및 환경분야 수험대비자를 위한) 수질환경공학요론/장준영 |
태학원, 2007 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016937 |
환경과 생활 = Environment &
Life/박상욱 |
건국대학교출판부, 2009 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM016938 |
인간 활동과 환경오염/장덕 |
에이드북, 2006 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
KM016940 |
大韓機械學會60年史/대한기계학회 |
문운당, 2005 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016941 |
기계재료학/김정규 |
문운당, 2005 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016942 |
기계재료학/김정규 |
문운당, 2005 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016943 |
기계재료학/김정규 |
교보문고, 2005 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016944 |
(미래공학도를 위한) 재료과학/Callister, William D |
사이텍미디어, 2001 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016945 |
재료역학/Ugural, Ansel C. |
교보문고, 2009 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016946 |
재료역학/Craig, Roy R. |
인터비젼, 2001 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016947 |
피로균열 : 균열닫힘과 진전속도 추정법/성야정홍 |
한양대학교신뢰성분석연구센터, 2006 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016948 |
피로강도학 = Fatigue Strength of Materials/한양대학교신뢰성분석연구센터 |
한양대학교신뢰성분석연구센터, 1900 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
KM016949 |
피로강도학 = Fatigue Strength of Materials/한양대학교신뢰성분석연구센터 |
한국가스공사 연구개발원, 1900 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016950 |
LNG 저장탱크용 멤브레인 재료의 저온피로특성에 관한 연구 = A Study on Strength and Fatigue
Properties of Membrane Matial at Low Temperatures/한양대학교 산업과학연구소 |
한국가스공사 연구개발원, 1998 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016951 |
LNG 선박용 내조시스템 소재의 기계적 특성 및 피로 평가 = Evaluation of Fatigue Life and
Mechanical Properties on Cargo Containment System for LNG Carrier/한양대학교 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2007 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016952 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [1] : 에너지혁신/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016953 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [1] : 에너지혁신/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016954 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [1] : 에너지혁신/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016955 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [1] : 에너지혁신/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016956 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [1] : 에너지혁신/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016957 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016958 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016959 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016960 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016961 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016962 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [2] : 에너지수요관리/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016963 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016964 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016965 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016966 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016967 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016968 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [3] : 에너지공급/산업통상자원부 |
산업통상자원부:한국에너지기술평가원, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM016969 |
2014 에너지기술 이노베이션로드맵. [4] : 총괄보고서/산업통상자원부 |
한국표준협회, 2014 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM016979 |
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 초록 : 제48회 2014년도 춘계학술대회/한국연소학회 |
한국연소학회, 2014 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM016980 |
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 초록 : 제49회 2014년도 추계학술대회/한국연소학회 |
한국지진공학회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016981 |
(제36회 기술강습회) 교량의 내진설계 및 내진보강 기술의 미래/한국지진공학회 |
가스안전공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM016988 |
산업가스 특수가스 총서 I = Industrial Gases & Specialty Gases Series/추광호 |
가스안전공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017136 |
(2015 시나공) 정보처리기사 필기/강윤석 |
길벗, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017137 |
(2015 시나공) 정보처리기사 필기/강윤석 |
길벗, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017138 |
(2015 시나공) 정보처리기사 실기 : 산업기사 포함/장덕철 |
길벗, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017139 |
(2015 시나공) 정보처리기사 실기 : 산업기사 포함/장덕철 |
위즈덤하우스, 2015 |
단행본 |
공학일반 |
KM017149 |
(솔직한) 공학수학 Ⅰ/노태완 |
시대고시기획, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM017150 |
(현 화재조사관이 집필한) 화재감식평가 기사·산업기사 필기 기출적중문제집/문옥섭 |
동화기술, 2014 |
단행본 |
화학공학 |
KM017151 |
(화학공정 실무자를 위한) 전공실무용어/박진도 |
세진북스, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017152 |
가스기능장 실기 과년도 : 핵심요점정리 및 12개년 기출문제 완벽해설/최갑규 |
세진북스, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017153 |
가스기능장 필기 과년도 : 핵심요점정리 및 13개년 기출문제 완벽해설/최갑규 |
구민사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017154 |
가스기능장 : 실기/주종률 |
구민사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017155 |
가스기능장 : 필기/주종률 |
진샘미디어, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017156 |
최신 냉동 및 공기조화/박광서 |
한산, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017157 |
방폭전기공학/김규정 |
세진사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017158 |
(최신) 침투 비파괴검사 실기 : 기사/산업기사/기능사 시험대비/김승대 |
한국학술정보, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017159 |
산업안전보건법 국제비교/정진우 |
중앙경제사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017160 |
위험성평가 해설/정진우 |
미래에너지기준연구소, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017161 |
(화학물질관리법에 따른) 유해화학물질 취급시설 검사 및 안전진단 기준해설/채충근 |
동화기술, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017162 |
위험물 안전관리/정경문 |
사회운동, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017163 |
대형사고는 어떻게 반복되는가 (증보판)/박상은 |
예문사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017164 |
재난안전 방재학 개론/한경보 |
라온북, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017165 |
(스스로 살아 남아야 하는 시대) 재난 반복사회 대한민국에서 내 가족은 누가 지킬 것인가?/김석철 |
8.0:Eight point:에이트 포인트, 2015 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM017193 |
화재현상론 : 소방학개론 = Fire Protection Theory/공하성 |
동화기술, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017194 |
가스안전관리론/이수경 |
가스안전공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017216 |
독성가스 : 이론과 실무 = Toxic Gas/박기동 |
유비온, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017217 |
독성가스 : 이론과 실무 = Toxic Gas/박기동 |
유비온, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017218 |
독성가스 : 이론과 실무 = Toxic Gas/박기동 |
국회예산정책처, 2015 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM017223 |
(2015) 에너지통계 핸드북/에너지관리공단 |
가스안전공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017249 |
SQL 전문가 가이드 = (The) Guide for SQL professional/한국데이터베이스진흥원 |
한국교육방송공사, 2010 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017268 |
Newton highlight. [41] : 0과 무한의 과학/Newton Press |
뉴턴코리아, 2010 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017269 |
Newton highlight. [21] : 빛이란 무엇인가?
: 주변의 현상에서 최첨단 연구까지/Newton press |
뉴턴코리아, 2008 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017270 |
Newton highlight. 77 : 현대 물리학 3대 이론 : 상대성 이론ㆍ양자론ㆍ초끈 이론/Newton Press |
돌베개, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017319 |
惠民署硏究/박인순 |
아카넷, 2014 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017321 |
바이러스는 과연 적인가?/이재열 |
한티미디어, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017322 |
(10000 피트에서 바라본)오픈소스 소프트웨어/스테파노스 안드루셀리스 테오토키스 |
와우북스, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017323 |
(Spring, Hibernate, MyBatis를 활용한)all-in-one JAVA 애플리케이션 개발 : 전자정부 표준
프레임워크 핵심 기술 기반/전병선 |
Young, 2014 |
단행본 |
전기전자 |
KM017324 |
(ST-IT 컨버전스)위성 통신 융합 기술/은종원 |
HN사이언스, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017327 |
(노인과 환자를 돌보는)케어기버를 위한 이동동작훈련/조정선 |
프리렉, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017328 |
데이터 과학자 : 빅데이터 시대를 주도하는 사람들 : 그들은 무엇을 배우고 어떻게 준비하는가?/불가리스, 차하리아스 |
레오방송아카데미:아진, 2014 |
단행본 |
화학공학 |
KM017330 |
맛있는 커피의 비밀 : 핸드드립의 원리와 테크닉 = Secret of delicious coffee : principle and
technic of handdrip coffee/정영진 |
범문에듀케이션, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017331 |
(사례 중심의)약학윤리/비치, 로버트 M. |
서울대학교출판문화원, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017332 |
사회약료와 보건의료체계 = Therapy of social medicine & health care system/한병현 |
청홍:지상사, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017333 |
상한, 갈등과 해소의 이론/이정찬 |
普文堂, 2014 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017334 |
생물다양성, 경제로 논하다/이동근 |
동명사, 2014 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
KM017335 |
수차의 이론과 실제 = Theory and applications of hydraulic turbines/서상호 |
메디안북, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017336 |
(쉽게 이해할 수 있는)어지럼증/조쿠라 켄 |
일진사, 2014 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM017337 |
신재생에너지 시스템공학 = New renewable energy systems engineering : 친환경 에너지 자원과
미래/신정수 |
북스힐, 2015 |
단행본 |
에너지공학 |
KM017338 |
(알기 쉬운)신재생에너지 = New renewable energy/이충훈 |
신일북스, 2015 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017339 |
약물유전체학 : 소개와 임상전망/Bertino, Joseph S. |
GS인터비전, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017340 |
인재는 이제 그만 : 안전문화 구축하기/리즌, 제임스 |
황소걸음아카데미, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017341 |
임상시험 연구의 설계와 응용 = Designs and applications of clinical trials/임현자 |
GS인터비전, 2015 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
KM017342 |
자동차 저탄소 공학/김철수 |
퍼스트북, 2015 |
단행본 |
화학공학 |
KM017345 |
중국의 바이오에너지 산업 : 삼농 문제의 새로운 해법/스위안춘 |
홍릉과학, 2014 |
단행본 |
전기전자 |
KM017346 |
차세대 이동통신 변복조 LTE = Modern for next generation mobile communication -
LTE/임명섭 |
Spacetime:시공문화사, 2014 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM017347 |
철학적으로 도시 읽기 = Remarks on the human dwelling and the life-world : 공간과 장소
건물 내부와 도시 내부 건축과 도시/김명식 |
지앤선, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017348 |
코드 품질 시각화의 정석 : 지속적인 소프트웨어 품질 분석과 관리를 위한 SonarQube 완벽 가이드/김모세 |
씨아이알, 2015 |
단행본 |
토목공학 |
KM017349 |
콘크리트와 문화 : 어느 재료의 이야기/포오티, 아드리안 |
씨아이알, 2014 |
단행본 |
토목공학 |
KM017350 |
토목 그리고 Infra BIM/황승현 |
동화기술, 2014 |
단행본 |
환경방재 |
KM017351 |
폐전기·전자제품 = Recycling guide book/한국전자산업환경협회 |
우리의학서적, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017352 |
항생제 스마트한 사용법 = How to use antibiotics wisely/이와타 겐타로 |
북스힐, 2014 |
단행본 |
공학일반 |
KM017353 |
현대창의공학 = Modern creative engineering/김관형 |
오래, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017354 |
감염관리 : 환자안전의 핵심/윤성원 |
중문출판사, 2014 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017355 |
가족 사이코드라마/윤일수 |
가스안전공사, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017376 |
위험물 수송을 위한 이동식 탱크차량 사고대응지원 시스템 개발 : 재난안전기술개발기반구축사업 : 세이프티아 주관/세이프티아 |
동해가스산업:동해비파괴 검사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017377 |
개방검사/안병선 |
한국화재보험협회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017378 |
(창립 42주년 기념) 학술논문집 : 한국화재보험협회 기획감사실/한국화재보험협회 |
다락원, 2015 |
단행본 |
토목공학 |
KM017401 |
(2015 적용 건설공사) 표준품셈 : 토목·건축·기계설비 전량수록/건설연구원 |
박영사, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017403 |
데이터아키텍처 전문가 가이드 = The guide for data architecture
professional/한국데이터베이스진흥원 |
한국데이터베이스진흥원, 2013 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017404 |
데이터 분석 전문가 가이드 : 2014
edition/한국데이터베이스진흥원 |
한국데이터베이스진흥원, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017405 |
데이터아키텍처 자격검정 실전문제 = The Test Book
for Data Architecture Professional/한국데이터베이스진흥원 |
에이콘출판, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017406 |
Windows Internals : 마이크로소프트 윈도우 커널 공식 가이드 : 제6판. : Vol.1-Vol.2/마크 러시노비치 |
에이콘출판, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017407 |
Windows Internals : 마이크로소프트 윈도우 커널 공식 가이드 : 제6판. : Vol.1-Vol.2/마크 러시노비치 |
에이콘, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017408 |
칼리 리눅스를 활용한 모의 침투 테스트와 보안 진단/리 알렌 |
시공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
의학 |
KM017420 |
(트레이너 강) 코어 운동 가이드/강창근 |
알마, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017424 |
(한국산업인력공단 새 출제기준에 따른!)공조냉동기계기사 :
실기대비/마용화 |
숲, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017434 |
LabView 데이터 수집 및 분석/곽두영 |
신화, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017435 |
공학도가 알아야 할 Labview입문/성기안 |
인피니티북스, 2010 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017436 |
LabView의 정석 : 응용편/손혜영 |
한빛 아카데미, 2011 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017437 |
제대로 배우는 MATLAB/방성완 |
한티미디어, 2014 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017438 |
응용수치해석[3판]/손권, 최윤호 |
한빛 아카데미, 2012 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017439 |
디지털 신호 처리/이철희 |
아진, 2013 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017440 |
MATLAB을 활용한 통계분석/이재길 |
한국데이터베이스진흥원, 2013 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017441 |
데이터 분석 전문가 가이드(ADP)(ADsP)/한국데이터베이스진흥원 |
비아이알, 2014 |
단행본 |
화학공학 |
KM017442 |
IT 융합 산업 동향과 개발 전략: 섬유 의류/BIR Research |
Morgan Kaufmann Publ Inc, 2010 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017443 |
데이터 마이닝 Data mining 데이터 속 숨은 의미를 찾는 기계 학습의 이론과 응용/Witten, Ian H., Frank,
Eibe, Holmes, Geoffrey |
BIR, 2013 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017444 |
사물인터넷(IoT) 글로벌 혁신기술 및 동향분석/편집부 |
에이콘, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017445 |
데이터 마이닝 개념과 기법 3판 (번역본)/지아웨이한, 미셜린 캠버,지안 |
지식산업정보원, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017446 |
사물인터넷기반 첨단 스마트센서 산업분야별 응용기술개발 발전방향/R&D정보센터 |
자유아카데미, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
KM017447 |
데이터마아닝 방법론(빅데이터 분석을 위한)_SAS Enterprise miner 활용사레를 중심으로/강현철,한상태,최종후 |
매일경제신문사:매경출판, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017453 |
(2015 개정 산업표준화법에 따른)KS 인증 실무 = KS
Certification Guide/한국표준협회 |
OK시골, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017456 |
구미 불산 누출사고 3주기 포럼 : 화학 특수재난 사고의 교훈과 관계기관 협력방안/한국위험물학회 |
한국위험물학회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017457 |
제1회 (사)한국위험물학회 학술대회 초록집/한국위험물학회 |
한국위험물학회, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017458 |
제2회 (사)한국위험물학회 학술대회 초록집/한국위험물학회 |
한국위험물학회, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017459 |
제3회 (사)한국위험물학회 학술대회 초록집/한국위험물학회 |
한국연소학회, 2015 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
KM017460 |
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 초록 : 제51회 2015년도 추계학술대회/한국연소학회 |
대한기계학회, 2015 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
KM017461 |
창립 70주년 기념 학술대회 강연 및 논문 초록집/대한기계학회 |
미래에너지기준연구소, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017462 |
고압가스용 이음매 없는 용기의 재검사 기준 개발/미래에너지기준연구소 |
미래에너지기준연구소, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017463 |
고압가스용 이음매 없는 용기의 재검사 기준 개발/미래에너지기준연구소 |
미래에너지기준연구소, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017464 |
고압가스용 이음매 없는 용기의 재검사 기준 개발/미래에너지기준연구소 |
한국도시가스협회, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017465 |
도시가스사업편람 2015년/한국도시가스협회 |
고용노동부, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
KM017466 |
(2014) 산업재해현황분석 : 산업재해보상보험법에 의한 업무상 재해를 중심으로/고용노동부 |
대한기계학회, 2015 |
단행본 |
기계공학 |
KM017467 |
대한기계학회 70년과 기계산업/대한기계학회 |
가스안전공사, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
SM000572 |
殊高?ガスの取扱いと保安 (DVD) (25分) /고압가스보안협회 |
가스안전공사, 2012 |
비도서 |
가스안전 |
SM000576 |
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 guides for SMEs/ISO |
한국행정연구원, 2013 |
비도서 |
환경방재 |
SM000578 |
2014년도 특수건물 화재통계/한국화재보험협회 |
Wiley-AIChE, 2015 |
비도서 |
가스안전 |
SM000579 |
Chemical Reactivity Hazard Training CD-ROM/Center for Chemical Process
Safety(CCPS) |
Gulf Professional Publishing, 2006 |
비도서 |
가스안전 |
SM000580 |
Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual/Menon, E. |
ISO, 2015 |
비도서 |
가스안전 |
ST003005 |
ISO 50002:2014 : Energy audits - Requirements with guidance for use/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003006 |
ISO 50003:2014 : Energy management systems - Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of energy management systems/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003007 |
ISO 50004:2014 : Energy management systems - Guidance for the
implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003008 |
ISO 50006:2014 : Energy management systems - Measuring energy performance
using energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) -
General principles and guidance/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003009 |
ISO 50015:2014 : Energy management systems - Measurement and verification
of energy performance of organizations - General principles and guidance/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003010 |
CSA HGV 3.1-2013 : Fuel system components for compressed hydrogen gas
powered vehicles/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003011 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.1-2013 : Hydrogen dispensing systems/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003012 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.2-2013 : Hoses for compressed hydrogen fuel stations,
dispensers and vehicle fuel systems/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003013 |
CSA HGV 4.3-2012 : Test methods for hydrogen fueling parameter
evaluation/ |
CSA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003014 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.4-2013 : Breakaway devices for compressed hydrogen
dispensing hoses and systems/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003015 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.5-2013 : Priority and sequencing equipment for hydrogen
vehicle fueling/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003016 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.6-2013 : Manually operated valves for use in gaseous
hydrogen vehicle fueling stations/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003017 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.7-2013 : Automatic valves for use in gaseous hydrogen
vehicle fueling stations/ |
CSA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003018 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.8-2012 : Hydrogen gas vehicle fueling station compressor
guidelines/ |
CSA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003019 |
ANSI/CSA HGV 4.10-2012 : Fittings for compressed hydrogen gas and
hydrogen rich gas mixtures/ |
CSA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003020 |
ANSI HPRD 1-2013 : Thermally activated pressure relief devices for
compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel containers/ |
UL, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003021 |
UL 2075 : Standard for Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003022 |
CGA H-3 : Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003023 |
CGA H-4 : Terminology Associated with Hydrogen Fuel Technologies/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003024 |
ANSI/CGA H-5 : Installation Standards for Bulk Hydrogen Supply Systems/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003025 |
CGA S-1.1:2011 : Pressure Relief Device Standards - Part 1 - Cylinders
for Compressed Gases/ |
CGA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003026 |
CGA S-1.2:2009 : Pressure Relief Device Standards - Part 2 - Cargo and
Portable Tanks for Compressed Gases/ |
CGA, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003027 |
CGA S-1.3:2008 : Pressure Relief Device Standards-Part 3-Stationary
Storage Containers for Compressed Gases/ |
ISO, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003028 |
ISO 17268:2012 : Gaseous hydrogen land vehicle refuelling connection
devices/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003029 |
ISO/TS 15869:2009 : Gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen blends - Land vehicle
fuel tanks/ |
ISO, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003030 |
ISO 22734-2:2011 : Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process -
Part 2: Residential applications/ |
ISO, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003031 |
ISO/TS 20100:2008 : Gaseous hydrogen - Fuelling stations/ |
ISO, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003032 |
ISO 14687-2:2012 : Hydrogen fuel - Product specification - Part 2: Proton
exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for road vehicles/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003033 |
ISO 14687-3:2014 : Hydrogen fuel - Product specification - Part 3: Proton
exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for stationary appliances/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003034 |
ISO 14687-1:1999 : Hydrogen fuel - Product specification - Part 1: All
applications except proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell for road
vehicles/ |
SAE, 1999 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003035 |
SAE J1766:2014 Recommended Practice for Electric, Fuel Cell and Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Crash Integrity Testing/SAE |
SAE, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003036 |
SAE J2572:2014 : Recommended Practice for Measuring Fuel Consumption and
Range of Fuel Cell and Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles Fuelled by Compressed
Gaseous Hydrogen/ |
SAE, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003037 |
SAE J2574:2011 Fuel Cell Vehicle Terminology/ |
SAE, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003038 |
SAE J2578:2014 Recommended Practice for General Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety/ |
SAE, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003039 |
SAE J2579:2013 Standard for Fuel Systems in Fuel Cell and Other Hydrogen
Vehicles/ |
SAE, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003040 |
SAE J2594:2011 : Recommended Practice to Design for Recycling Proton
Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Systems Recyclability is best considered
early in the product engineering design/development proces/ |
SAE, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003041 |
SAE J2600:2012 : Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Fueling Connection
Devices This document applies to devices which have Pressure Classes of H11,
H25, H35, H50 or H70./ |
SAE, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003042 |
SAE J2601:2014 : Fueling Protocols for Light Duty Gaseous Hydrogen
Surface Vehicles An important factor in the performance of hydrogen fueling
is the station?셲 dispensing equipment cooling capability an/ |
SAE, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003043 |
SAE J2617:2011 : Recommended Practice for Testing Performance of PEM Fuel
Cell Stack Sub-system for Automotive Applications (Stabilized: Aug 2011) In
this recommended practice, a typical fuel cell stack/ |
SAE, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003044 |
SAE J2719:2011 : Hydrogen Fuel Quality for Fuel Cell Vehicles/ |
SAE, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003045 |
SAE J2760:2011 : Pressure Terminology Used in Fuel Cells and Other
Hydrogen Vehicle Applications/ |
SAE, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003046 |
SAE J2799:2014 : Hydrogen Surface Vehicle to Station Communications
Hardware and Software/ |
NFPA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003047 |
NFPA 59A 2013 Edition (TIA1:2013 TIA2:2014 Included) : Standard for the
Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)/ |
BSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003048 |
BS EN 304:1992 : Heating Boilers - Test Code for Heating Boilers for
Atomizing Oil Burners - AMD 10183: February 1999; AMD 16418: June 30, 2006/ |
BSI, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003049 |
BS EN 15036-1:2006 : Heating boilers Test regulations for airborne noise
emissions from heat generators Part 1: Airborne noise emissions from heat
generators/ |
BSI, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003050 |
BS EN 15266:2007 : Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in
buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar - CORR 17303:
August 31, 2007; CORR: April 30, 2008/ |
BSI, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003051 |
BS EN ISO 11357-3:2013 : Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC) Part 3: Determination of temperature and enthalpy of melting and
crystallization - CORR: April 30, 2013/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003052 |
BS EN ISO 306:2013 : Plastics - Thermoplastic materials - Determination
of Vicat softening temperature (VST)/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003053 |
BS EN ISO 75-1:2013 : Plastics - Determination of temperature of
deflection under load Part 1: General test method/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003054 |
BS EN ISO 527-1:2012 : Plastics - Determination of tensile properties
Part 1: General principles/ |
BSI, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003055 |
BS EN ISO 178:2010+A1:2013 : Plastics - Determination of flexural
properties - AMD: July 31, 2013/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003056 |
BS EN ISO 179-1:2010 : Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact
properties Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test/ |
BSI, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003057 |
BS EN ISO 8256:2004 : Plastics Determination of tensile-impact strength/ |
BSI, 2004 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003058 |
BS EN ISO 9969:2007 : Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of ring
stiffness/ |
BSI, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003059 |
BS EN ISO 1133-1:2011 : Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow
rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics - Part 1:
Standard method/ |
BSI, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003060 |
BS EN ISO 1133-2:2011 : Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow
rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics Part 2: Method
for materials sensitive to time-temperature history and/or moisture/ |
CSA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003061 |
ANSI HGV 2-2014 : Compressed hydrogen gas vehicle fuel containers/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003062 |
ISO 12619-1:2014 : Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and
hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components - Part 1: General
requirements and definitions/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003063 |
ISO 12619-2:2014 : Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and
hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components - Part 2: Performance and
general test methods/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003064 |
ISO 12619-3:2014 : Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and
hydrogen/natural gas blend fuel system components - Part 3: Pressure
regulator/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003065 |
ISO 12614-1 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 1: General requirements and definitions/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003066 |
ISO 12614-2 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 2: Performance and general test methods/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003067 |
ISO 12614-3 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 3: Check valve/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003068 |
ISO 12614-4 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 4: Manual valve/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003069 |
ISO 12614-5 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 5: Tank pressure gauge/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003070 |
ISO 12614-6 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 6: Pressure regulator/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003071 |
ISO 12614-7 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 7: Pressure relief valve/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003072 |
ISO 12614-8 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 8: Excess flow valve/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003073 |
ISO 12614-9 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 9: Gas-tight housing and ventilation hose/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003074 |
ISO 12614-10 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 10: Rigid fuel line in stainless steel/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003075 |
ISO 12614-11 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 11: Fittings/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003076 |
ISO 12614-12 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 12: Rigid fuel line in copper and its alloys/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003077 |
ISO 12614-13 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 13: Tank pressure control regulator/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003078 |
ISO 12614-14 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 14: Differential pressure fuel content gauge/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003079 |
ISO 12614-15 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 15: Capacitance fuel content gauge/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003080 |
ISO 12614-16 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 16: Heat exchanger - vaporizer/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003081 |
ISO 12614-17 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 17: Natural gas detector/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003082 |
ISO 12614-18 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system
components - Part 18: Gas temperature sensor/ |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003083 |
ISO 12617 : Road vehicles - Liquefied natural gas (LNG) refuelling
connector - 3,1 MPa connector/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003084 |
ISO 12991 : Liquefied natural gas (LNG) - Tanks for on-board storage as a
fuel for automotive vehicles/ |
BSI, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003085 |
BS 7910:2013 : Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws
in metallic structures/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003086 |
BS EN 203-1:2014 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 1: General safety
rules/ |
BSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003087 |
BS EN 203-2-1 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-1: Specific
requirements - Open burners and wok burners/ |
BSI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003088 |
BS EN 203-2-2 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-2: Specific
requirements Ovens/ |
BSI, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003089 |
BS EN 203-2-3 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-3: Specific
requirements - Boiling pans/ |
BSI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003090 |
BS EN 203-2-4 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-4: Specific
requirements Fryers/ |
BSI, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003091 |
BS EN 203-2-6 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-6: Specific
requirements Hot water heaters for beverage/ |
BSI, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003092 |
BS EN 203-2-7 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-7: Specific
requirements - Salamanders and rotisseries/ |
BSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003093 |
BS EN 203-2-8 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-8: Specific
requirements Brat pans and pa?lla cookers/ |
BSI, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003094 |
BS EN 203-2-9 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-9: Specific
requirements Solid tops, warming plates and griddles/ |
BSI, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003095 |
BS EN 203-2-10 : Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-10: Specific
requirements - Chargrills/ |
BSI, 2007 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003096 |
BS EN 203-2-11 : Gas heated catering equipment Part 2-11: Specific
requirements Pasta cookers/ |
BSI, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003097 |
BS EN ISO 7500-1:2004 : Metallic materials - Verification of static
uniaxial testing machines - Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines -
Verification and calibration of the force-measuring system/ |
BSI, |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003098 |
BS EN ISO 6506-2:2014 : Metallic materials- Brinell hardness test Part 2:
Verification and calibration of testing machines/ |
DIN, |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003099 |
DIN EN ISO 11439 : Gas Cylinders - High Pressure Cylinders for the
On-Board Storage of Natural Gas as a Fuel for Automotive Vehicles/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003100 |
BS EN 12284:2003(R2012) : Refrigerating systems and heat pumps Valves
Requirements, testing and marking/ |
BSI, 2003 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003101 |
BS EN ISO 148-2:2008 : Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test
Part 2: Verification of testing machines (ISO 148-2:2008)/ |
BSI, |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003102 |
BS EN ISO 148-3:2008 : Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test
Part 3: Preparation andcharacterization of Charpy V-notch test pieces for
indirect verification of pendulum impact machines (ISO148-3:2008)/ |
BSI, |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003103 |
BS EN 15856:2010 : Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - General
principles of AE testing for the detection of corrosion within metallic
surrounding filled with liquid/ |
日本ガス機器??協?, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003104 |
JIA D 001-15 : 業務用ガス廚房機器?査規定/日本ガス機器??協? |
ISA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003105 |
ANSI/ISA 92.00.01-2010 : Performance Requirements for Toxic Gas
Detectors/ |
DIN, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003106 |
DIN3230-4 : Technical Conditions of Delivery for Valves; Valves for
Potable Water Service, Requirements and Testing/ |
DIN, 1977 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003107 |
DIN3230-5(German) : Technical conditions of delivery of valves - Valves
for gas installations and gas pipelines - Part 5: Requirements and tests/ |
DIN, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003108 |
DIN3230-6 : Technical delivery conditions for valves; requirements and
methods of test for valves for use with flammable liquids/ |
BSI, 1987 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003109 |
BS EN 15714-3 : Industrial valves - Actuators Part 3: Pneumatic part-turn
actuators for industrial valves - Basic requirements/ |
BSI, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003110 |
BS EN 50270:2015 : Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical apparatus
for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or
oxygen/ |
ISA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003111 |
ANSI/ISA 92.00.04-2014 : Performance Requirements for Open Path Toxic Gas
Detectors/ |
ANSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003112 |
ANSI Z21.24a-2009 CSA 6.10a-2009(reaffirmed 2011) : Addenda to the 3rd
Editiion : Connectors for Gas Appliances/ |
CSA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003113 |
ANSI LC1-2014 CSA 6.26-2014 : Fuel gas piping systems using corrugated
stainless steel tubing (CSST)/ |
BSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003114 |
BS EN 50465:2015 : European product standard for combined heating power
systems using gas fuel/ |
DS:CEN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003115 |
DS EN 26:2015 : Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for the production
of domestic hot water/ |
CSA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003116 |
ANSI NGV 3.1-2014 CSA 12.3-2014 : Fuel system components for compressed
natural gas powered vehicles/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003117 |
ANSI NGV 2a-2012 : Addenda to the 4th Edition of NGV 2-2007 : Standard
for Compressed natural gas vehicle fuel containers/ |
CSA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003118 |
ANSI NGV 2b-2012 : Addenda to the 4th Edition of NGV 2-2007 and Addenda
NGV 2a-2012 : Compressed natural gas vehicle fuel containers/ |
NFPA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003119 |
NFPA 51-2013 + TIA 13-1 : Standard for the Design and Installation of
Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes,/ |
ASTM, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003120 |
ASTM D7653-10 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Gaseous
Contaminants in Hydrogen Fuel by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
Spectroscopy/ |
ASTM, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003121 |
ASTM D7649-10 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Carbon
Dioxide, Argon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Water in Hydrogen Fuel by Jet Pulse
Injection and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer Analys/ |
ASTM, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003122 |
ASTM D7675-11 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Total
Hydrocarbons in Hydrogen by FID Based Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Analyzer/ |
ASTM, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003123 |
ASTM D1945-14 : Standard Test Method for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas
Chromatography/ |
ASTM, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003124 |
ASTM D7652-11 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Hydrogen
Sulfide, Carbonyl Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan, Carbon Disulfide and Total
Sulfur in Hydrogen Fuel by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Chemiluminescence
Detection/ |
ASTM, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003125 |
ASTM D7550-09 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Ammonium,
Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals in Hydrogen and Other Cell Feed Gases by Ion
Chromatography/ |
ASTM, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003126 |
ASTM D7650-13 : Standard Test Method for Sampling of Particulate Matter
in High Pressure Hydrogen used as a Gaseous Fuel with an In-Stream Filter/ |
ASTM, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003127 |
ASTM D7651-10 : Standard Test Method for Gravimetric Measurement of
Particulate Concentration of Hydrogen Fuel/ |
DS:CEN, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003128 |
DS EN 45544-1 : Workplace Atmospheres - Electrical Apparatus Used for the
Direct Detection and Direct Concentration Measurement of Toxic Gases and
Vapours - Part 1: General Requirements and Test Methods/ |
DS:CEN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003129 |
DS EN 45544-2 : Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the
direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and
vapours - Part 2: Performance requirements for apparatus used for exposure
measurement/ |
DS:CEN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003130 |
DS EN 45544-3 : Workplace atmospheres - Electrical apparatus used for the
direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and
vapours - Part 3: Performance requirements for apparatus used for general gas
detection/ |
DS:CEN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003131 |
DS EN 45544-4 : Workplace Atmospheres - Electrical Apparatus Used for the
Direct Detection and Direct Concentration Measurement of Toxic Gases and
Vapours - Part 4: Guide for Selection, Installation, use and maintenance/ |
DS:CEN, 2000 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003132 |
DS EN 50271 : Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of
combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen - Requirements and tests for
apparatus using software and/or digital technologies/ |
NBBI, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003133 |
ANSI/NB 23 (2015 NBIC) : National Board Inspection Code/NBBI |
NBBI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003134 |
ANSI/NB 23 (2015 NBIC) : National Board Inspection Code/NBBI |
NBBI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003135 |
ANSI/NB 23 (2015 NBIC) : National Board Inspection Code/NBBI |
SEMI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003136 |
SEMI F76-0303 (Reapproved 1110) : Test Method for Evaluation of Particle
Contribution from Gas System Components Exposed to Corrosive Gas/ |
SEMI, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003137 |
SEMI F6-92 : Guide for Secondary Containment of Hazardous Gas Piping
Systems/ |
SEMI, 1992 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003138 |
SEMI C15-0212 : Test Method for ppm and ppb Humidity Standards/ |
SEMI, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003139 |
SEMI C9.1-0212 : Guide for Analysis of Uncertainties in Gravimetrically
Prepared Gas Mixtures/ |
ASTM, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003140 |
ASTM D7833-14 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrocarbons
and Non-Hydrocarbon Gases in Gaseous Mixtures by Gas Chromatography/ |
ASTM, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003141 |
ASTM D2163-14e1 : Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrocarbons
in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases and Propane/Propene Mixtures by Gas
Chromatography/ |
ASTM, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003142 |
ASTM D2713-15 : Standard Test Method for Dryness of Propane (Valve Freeze
Method)/ |
IEC, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003143 |
IEC 60079-2:2014 : Explosive atmospheres ? Part 2: Equipment protection
by pressurized enclosure "p"/ |
IEC, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003144 |
IEC 60079-6:2015 : Explosive atmospheres - Part 6: Equipment protection
by liquid immersion "o"/ |
IEC, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003145 |
IEC 60079-7:2015 : Explosive atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment protection
by increased safety "e"/ |
IEC, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003146 |
IEC 60079-18:2014 : Explosive atmospheres ? Part 18: Equipment protection
by encapsulation “m”/ |
JIA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003147 |
JIA C 001-14 : ガス調理機器檢査規程/ |
고압가스보안협회, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003148 |
KHKS 0739(2003) : 液化石油ガス法施行規則關係技術基準 : 고압가스보안협회/고압가스보안협회 |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003149 |
ANSI/IAS NGV 4.1-1999/CSA 12.5-M99 (Reaffirmed 2014) : NGV Dispensing
Systems/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003150 |
ANSI/IAS NGV 4.4-1999/CSA 12.54-M99 (Reaffirmed 2014) : Breakaway Devices
for Natural Gas Dispensing Hoses and Systems/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003151 |
ANSI NGV 4.8-2012/CSA 12.8-2002 (Reaffirmed 2013) : Natural gas vehicle
fueling station reciprocating compressor guidelines/ |
BSI, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003152 |
BS EN 61000-6-2:2005 : Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2:
Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments/ |
BSI, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003153 |
BS EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011 : Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part
6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments/ |
ISO, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003154 |
ISO 10439-1:2015 : Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -
Axial and centrifugal compressors and expander-compressors - Part 1: General
requirements/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003155 |
ISO 13707:2000 : Petroleum and natural gas industries - Reciprocating
compressors/ |
ISO, 2000 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003156 |
ISO 13849-1:2006 : Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control
systems - Part 1: General principles for design/ |
ISO, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003157 |
ISO 13849-1:2006/Cor 1:2009 : Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts
of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design - Corrigendum/ |
ISO, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003158 |
ISO 14469-3:2006Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) refuelling
connector - Part 3: 25 MPa (250 bar) connector/ |
ISO, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003159 |
ISO 15500-1:2000 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 1: General requirements and definitions/ |
ISO, 2000 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003160 |
ISO 15500-1:2000/Amd 1:2003 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 1: General requirements and definitions -
Amendment 1/ |
ISO, 2003 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003161 |
ISO 15500-10:2001 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 10: Gas-flow adjuster/ |
ISO, 2001 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003162 |
ISO 15500-11:2001 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 11: Gas/air mixer/ |
ISO, 2001 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003163 |
ISO 15500-12:2001 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 12: Pressure relief valve (PRV)/ |
ISO, 2001 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003164 |
ISO 15500-13:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 13: Pressure relief device (PRD)/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003165 |
ISO 15500-13:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 13: Pressure relief device (PRD) - Draft
Amendment 1/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003166 |
ISO 15500-14:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 14: Excess flow valve/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003167 |
ISO 15500-14:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 14: Excess flow valve - Draft Amendment
1/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003168 |
ISO 15500-15:2001 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 15: Gas-tight housing and ventilation hose/ |
ISO, 2001 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003169 |
ISO 15500-16:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 16: Rigid fuel line in stainless steel/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003170 |
ISO 15500-16:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 16: Rigid fuel line in stainless steel -
Draft Amendment/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003171 |
ISO 15500-17:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 17: Flexible fuel line/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003172 |
ISO 15500-17:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 17: Flexible fuel line - Draft Amendment/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003173 |
ISO 15500-20:2007 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 20: Rigid fuel line in material other than stainless
steel/ |
ISO, 2007 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003174 |
ISO 15500-5:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 5: Manual cylinder valve/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003175 |
ISO 15500-5:2012/DAM 1:2015Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG)
fuel system components - Part 5: Manual cylinder valve - Draft Amendment 1/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003176 |
ISO 15500-6:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 6: Automatic valve/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003177 |
ISO 15500-6:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 6: Automatic valve - Draft Amendment/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003178 |
ISO 15500-7:2002 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 7: Gas injector/ |
ISO, 2002 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003179 |
ISO 15500-8:2001 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 8: Pressure indicator/ |
ISO, 2001 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003180 |
ISO 15500-9:2012 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components - Part 9: Pressure regulator/ |
ISO, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003181 |
ISO 15500-9:2012/DAM 1:2015 : Road vehicles - Compressed natural gas
(CNG) fuel system components - Part 9: Pressure regulator - Draft Amendment
1/ |
ISO, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003182 |
ISO 22899-1:2007 : Determination of the resistance to jet fires of
passive fire protection materials - Part 1: General requirements/ |
ISO, 2007 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003183 |
ISO/TR 22899-2:2013 : Determination of the resistance to jet fires of
passive fire protection - Part 2: Guidance on classification and
implementation methods/ |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003184 |
ISO 3977-1:1997 : Gas turbines - Procurement - Part 1: General
introduction and definitions/ |
ISO, 1997 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003185 |
ISO 3977-2:1997 : Gas turbines - Procurement - Part 2: Standard reference
conditions and ratings/ |
AFNOR, 1997 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003186 |
NF EN 1012-3:2014 : Compressors and vaccum pumps - Safety requirements -
Part 3 : process compressors/ |
AFNOR, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003187 |
NF EN 12186:2014 : Gas infrastructure - Gas pressure regulating stations
for transmission and distribution - Functional requirements/ |
AFNOR, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003188 |
NF EN 12732 A1:2014 : Gas infrastructure - Welding steel pipework -
Functional requirements/ |
AFNOR, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003189 |
NF EN 14505:2005 : Cathodic protection of complex structures/ |
AFNOR, 2005 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003190 |
NF EN 1594:2009 : Gas supply systems - Pipelines for maximum operating
pressure over 16 bar - Functional requirements/ |
CSA, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003191 |
ANSI Z21.13-2014/CSA 4.9-2014 : Gas-fired low pressure steam and hot
water boilers/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003192 |
ANSI Z21.10.3-2014/CSA 4.3-2014 : Gas-fired water heaters, volume III,
storage water heaters with input ratings above 75,000 Btu per hour,
circulating and instantaneous/ |
SAE, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003193 |
SAE J2844 R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf) New Refrigerant Purity and Container
Requirements for Use in Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems/ |
ASTM, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003194 |
ASTM D 1426-15 Standard Test Methods for Ammonia Nitrogen in Water/ |
CEN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003195 |
BS EN 1127-1:2011 : Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and
protection : Part 1.Basic concepts and methodology/ |
IEC, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003196 |
IEC 60079-10-1 : Explosive atmospheres : Part 10-1: Classification of
areas - Explosive gas atmospheres/ |
CSA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003197 |
CSA Z662-15 : Oil and gas pipeline systems/ |
CSA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003198 |
CSA Z247-15 : Damage prevention for the protection of underground
infrastructure/ |
CSA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003199 |
CAN/CSA Z246.2-14 : Emergency preparedness and response for petroleum and
natural gas industry systems/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003200 |
CSA Z245.20 Series-14 : Plant-applied external coatings for steel pipe/ |
CSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003201 |
CSA Z276-15 : Liquefied natural gas (LNG) - Production, storage, and
handling/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003202 |
CGA-341 : Specification for Insulated Cargo Tank for Nonflammable
Cryogenic Liquids/ |
CGA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003203 |
CGA C-14 : Procedures for Fire Testing of DOT Cylinder Pressure Relief
Device Systems/ |
CGA, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003204 |
CGA E-8 : Gas Flowmeters/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003205 |
CGA G-1 : Acetylene/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003206 |
CGA G-1.1 : Commodity Specification for Acetylene/ |
CGA, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003207 |
CGA G-1.2 : Acetylene Metering and Piping/ |
CGA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003208 |
CGA G-2.1 : Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous
Ammonia (an American National Standard)/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003209 |
CGA G-4 : Oxygen/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003210 |
CGA G-4.1 : Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service/ |
CGA, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003211 |
CGA G-4.3 : Commodity Specification for Oxygen/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003212 |
CGA G-4.4 : Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems/ |
CGA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003213 |
CGA G-4.6 : Oxygen Compressor Installation and Operation Guide/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003214 |
CGA G-4.7 : Installation Guide for Stationary, Electric-Motor-Driven,
Centrifugal Liquid Oxygen Pumps/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003215 |
CGA G-4.10 : Design Considerations to Mitigate the Potential Risks of
Toxicity When Using Nonmetallic Material/ |
CGA, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003216 |
CGA G-4.14 : The Safe Design, Maintenance, Installation, Operation, and
Maintenance of Valves Used in Liquid Oxygen and Cold Gaseous Oxygen Systems/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003217 |
CGA G-5.7 : Carbon Monoxide and Syngas Pipeline Systems/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003218 |
CGA G-6.10 : Flammable Gases and/or Oxygen Contamination in Carbon
Dioxide Feed Gas/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003219 |
CGA G-6.11 : Concentration of Impurities in Bulk Carbon Dioxide Storage
Tanks at Customer Sites/ |
CGA, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003220 |
CGA G-7 : Compressed Air for Human Respiration/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003221 |
CGA G-8.3 : Safe Practices for Storage and Handling of Nitrous Oxide/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003222 |
CGA G-13 : Storage and Handling of Silane and Silane Mixtures (an
American National Standard)/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003223 |
CGA H-10 : Combustion Safety for Steam Reformer Operation/ |
CGA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003224 |
CGA P-1 : Standard for Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Containers/ |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003225 |
CGA P-2 : Characteristics and Safe Handling of Medical Gases/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003226 |
CGA P-8 : Safe Practices Guide for Cryogenic Air Separation Plants/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003227 |
CGA P-8.1 : Safe Installation and Operation of PSA and Membrane Oxygen
and Nitrogen Generators/ |
CGA, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003228 |
CGA P-8.3 : Perlite Management/ |
CGA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003229 |
CGA P-8.4 : Safe Operation of Reboilers/Condensers in Air Separation
Units/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003230 |
CGA TR-3 : The Impact of Ambient Air Contaminants on Validation
Requirements for the Air Separation Process/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003231 |
CGA P-9 : The Inert Gases: Argon, Nitrogen, and Helium/ |
CGA, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003232 |
CGA P-12 : Safe Handling of Cryogenic Liquids/ |
CGA, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003233 |
CGA P-16 : Recommended Procedures for Nitrogen Purging of Tank Cars/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003234 |
CGA P-17 : Procedures for Pneumatic Retesting of Cargo and Portable
Tanks/ |
CGA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003235 |
CGA P-18 : Standard for Bulk Inert Gas Systems (an American National
Standard)/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003236 |
CGA P-23 : Standard for Categorizing Gas Mixtures Containing Flammable
and Nonflammable Components / |
CGA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003237 |
CGA P-28 : OSHA Process Safety Management and EPA Risk Management Plan
Guidance Document for Bulk Liquid Hydrogen Systems/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003238 |
CGA P-34 : Safe Handling of Ozone-Containing Mixtures Including the
Installation and Operation of Ozone-Generating Equipment/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003239 |
CGA P-35 : Guidelines for Unloading Tankers of Cryogenic Oxygen,
Nitrogen, and Argon/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003240 |
CGA P-36 : The Safe Preparation of Gas Mixtures/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003241 |
CGA P-40 : Calculation Method for the Analysis and Prevention of
Overpressure During Refilling of Cryogenic Tanks with Rupture Disk(s)/ |
CGA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003242 |
CGA P-44 : Selection of Personal Protective Equipment/ |
CGA, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003243 |
CGA P-56 : Cryogenic Vaporization Systems\emdash Prevention of Brittle
Fracture of Equipment and Piping/ |
CGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003244 |
CGA S-7 : Standard Method for Selecting Pressure Relief Devices for
Compressed Gas Mixtures in Cylinders/ |
CGA, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003245 |
CGA S-8 : Recommendations to Minimize Hazards of CG-7 Pressure Relief
Valves and Ancillary Devices for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders/ |
CGA, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003246 |
CGA V-6 : Standard Bulk Refrigerated Liquid Transfer Connections/ |
AGA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003247 |
ANSI GPTC Z380.1 : Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution, and
Gathering Piping Systems, 2015 Edition/ |
CSA, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003248 |
CSA B339-14 : Cylinders, Spheres, and Tubes for the Transportation of
Dangerous Goods/ |
SEMI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003249 |
SEMI S2-0715 : Environmental, Health, and Safety Guideline for
Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment - [전자파일]/Semiconductor Equipment and
Materials Internation |
SEMI, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003250 |
SEMI S8-0915 : Safety Guideline for Ergonomics Engineering of
Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment - [전자파일]/Semiconductor Equipment and
Materials Internation |
SEMI, 1995 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003251 |
SEMI S14-0309 : Safety Guidelines for Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation
for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment - [전자파일]/Semiconductor Equipment
and Materials Internation |
ISO, 2000 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003252 |
ISO 4126-1:2013 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure
- Part 1: Safety valves - [전자파일]/International Organization for
Standardization |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003253 |
ISO 4126-3:2006 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure - Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in
combination - [전자파일]/International Organization for Standardization |
ISO, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003254 |
ISO 4126-4:2013 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure -- Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves - [전자파일]/International
Organization for standardization |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003255 |
ISO 4126-5:2013 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure -- Part 5: Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS) -
[전자파일]/International Organization for standardization |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003256 |
ISO 4126-6:2014 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure - Part 6: Application, selection and installation of bursting disc
safety devices - [전자파일]/International Organization for standardization |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003257 |
ISO 4126-7:2013 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure - Part 7: Common data - [전자파일]/International Organization for
standardization |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003258 |
ISO 4126-9:2008 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure - Part 9: Application and installation of safety devices excluding
stand-alone bursting disc safety devices - [전자파일]/International Organization
for standardization |
ISO, 2008 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003259 |
ISO/IEC 17025:2005 + Cor 1:2006 : General requirements for the competence
of testing and calibration laboratories - [전자파일]/International Organization
for standardization |
ISO, 2006 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003260 |
ISO 4126-10:2010 : Safety devices for protection against excessive
pressure -- Part 10: Sizing of safety valves for gas/liquid two-phase flow -
[전자파일]/International Organization for standardization |
ISO, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003261 |
ISO/DIS 14313:2012 : Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline
transportation systems - Pipeline valves - [전자파일]/International Organization
for standardization |
API, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003262 |
API RP 752 : Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process
Plant Permanent Buildings/American Petroleum Institute |
API, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003263 |
API RP 753 : Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process
Plant Portable Buildings/American Petroleum Institute |
API, 2007 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003264 |
API RP 756 : Management of Hazards Associated with Location of Process
Plant Tents/American Petroleum Institute |
API, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003265 |
API RP 755 : Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the
Refining and Petrochemical Industries/American Petroleum Institute |
API, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003266 |
API RP 2030 : Application of Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire
Protection in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries/American Petroleum
Institute |
API, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003267 |
API RP 2218 : Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum & Petrochemical
Processing Plants/American Petroleum Institute |
API, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003268 |
API STD 520 Part I : Sizing, Selection, and Installation of
Pressure-relieving Devices, Part I - Sizing and Selection/American Petroleum
Institute |
API, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003269 |
API STD 521 : Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems/American
Petroleum Institute |
JSA, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003270 |
JIS K 0512 : 水素 = Hydrogen/Japanese Standards Association |
IEC, 1995 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003271 |
IEC 62734:2014 : Indutrial networks -Wireless communication networks and
communication profiles -ISA 100.11a/International Electrotechnical Commission |
IEC, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003272 |
IEC 62591:2010 : Indutrial networks -Wireless communication networks and
communication profiles -WirelessHART/International Electrotechnical
Commission |
IEC, 2010 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003273 |
IEC TR 62918:2014 : Nuclear power piants - Instrumention and control
important to safety - Use and selection of wireless devices to be integrated
in systems important to safety/International Electrotechnical Commission |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003274 |
ISO/IEC 24771:2014 : Information technology - Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems - MAC/PHY standaed for ad hoc wirless
network to support QoS in an industrila work environment/International
Organization for Standard |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003275 |
ISO 24978:2009 : Intelligent transport systems - ITS Safety and emergency
messages using any available wireless media - Data reistry
procedures/International Organization for Standard |
ISO, 2009 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003276 |
ISO/IEC 29182-6:2014 : Information technology - sensor networks: sensor
network reference architecture(SNRA) - Part 6: Applications/International
Organization for Standard |
BSI, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003277 |
BS EN 55022:2010 : Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance
characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement/British Standards
Institution |
DIN, 2011 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003278 |
DIN EN 300220-1:2013 : Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum
matters (ERM) - Short Range Devices(SRD)- Radio equipment to be used in the
25MHz to 1000MHz frequenct range with power levels ranging up to 500mW - Part
1: Technical characteristics and test methods/Deutshes institut fur Normung |
DIN, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003279 |
DIN EN 300220-2:2013 : Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum
matters (ERM) - Short Range Devices(SRD)- Radio equipment to be used in the
25MHz to 1000MHz frequenct range with power levels ranging up to 500mW - Part
2: Harmonized EN Covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of
the/Deutshes institut fur Normung |
IEC, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003280 |
IEC 60950-1:2013 Edition 2.2 : Information technology equipment - Safety
- Part 1: General requirements IEC 61010-1:2010 Edition 3.0 : Safety
requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements/International Electrotechnical
Commission |
ISO, 2014 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003281 |
ISO/DIS 16924.2 : Natural gas fuelling stations -- LNG stations for
fuelling vehicles/International Organization for Standardization |
ISO, 2013 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003282 |
ISO/DIS 16924.2 : Natural gas fuelling stations -- LNG stations for
fuelling vehicles/International Organization for Standardization |
DIN, 2015 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
ST003283 |
DIN EN 14678-2 : LPG equipment and accessories - Construction and
performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations - Part 2:
Components other than dispensers and installation requirements; G/Deutsches
Institut fur Normung |
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012 |
규격 |
가스안전 |
WM003869 |
The Safety Relief Valve Handbook : Design and Use of Process Safety
Valves to ASME and International Codes and Standards/Hellemans, Marc |
Wiley, 2009 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003870 |
Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design/Jack A.Collins |
Oxford University Press, 1993 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003871 |
Metal Fatigue/Frost, N.E. |
PWS Publishing Company, 1974 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003872 |
The Science and Engineering of Materials/Askeland, Donald R. |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003873 |
Mechanics of Materials/Ugural, Ansel C. |
Prentice-Hall, 2008 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003874 |
Fundamentals of Engineering Materials/Thornton, Peter A. |
Prentice-Hall, 1985 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003875 |
Statics and Mechanics of Materials/Hibbeler, R.C. |
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2004 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003876 |
Mechanics of Materials/Ugural, Ansel C. |
John wiley & Sons, 1991 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003877 |
Materials Science and Engineering an Introduction/Willam D.Callister,Jr |
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003878 |
Mechanics of Materials/Riley, William |
McGraw-Hill Inc., 2007 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003879 |
Principles of Composite Material Mechanics/Gibson, Ronald F. |
Planta Tree, 1994 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003880 |
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk/Dr David Smith |
SAE, 2001 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003881 |
SAE Fatigue Design Handbook/SAE, |
Editions Philipper Picquir, 1997 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003884 |
Piping Materials Guide/Smith, Peter |
ASNT, 2005 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003921 |
Nondestructive Testing Handbook : Volume 6. Acoustic Emission
Testing/Miller, Ronnie K. |
Gulf Publishing Company, 2005 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003922 |
Handbook of Vapor Pressure : Volume 1. C1 to C4 Compounds/Yaws, Carl L. |
Gulf Publishing Company, 1994 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003923 |
The Yaws Handbook of Vapor Pressure, Antoine coefficients/Yaws, Carl L. |
Gulf Publishing Company, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003924 |
Handbook of Vapor PressureVolume 3:Organic Compounds C8 to C28/Yaws, Carl
L. |
Gulf Publishing Company, 1994 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003925 |
Handbook of Vapor Pressure : Volume 4: Inorganic Compounds and
Elements/Yaws, Carl L. |
Marvel, 1995 |
단행본 |
재료공학 |
WM003927 |
Fracture Mechanics : Fundamentals and Applications : Fracture Mechanics
Textbook/Anderson, Ted L. |
Elsevier:Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003928 |
Pressure Vessel Design Manual/Moss, Dennis R. |
Elsevier:Gulf Professional Publishing, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003929 |
Plant Design and Operations/Sutton, Ian |
Elsevier, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003930 |
HAZOP : Guide to Best Practice : Guidelines to best practice for the
process and chemical industries/Crawley, Frank |
McGraw-Hill, 2015 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
WM003931 |
Chemical technicians' ready reference handbook/Ballinger, Jack T. |
OREDA Participants, 2011 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003932 |
OREDA : Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data Handbook (Volume 1 and
2)/OREDA Participants |
OREDA Participants, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003933 |
OREDA : Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data Handbook (Volume 1 and
2)/OREDA Participants |
Institution of Chemical Engineers:IChem E, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003934 |
Classification of Hazardous Locations/Cox, A.W. |
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003935 |
Handbook of Materials Failure Analysis With Case Studies from the Oil and
Gas Industries/Makhlouf, Abdel Salam Hamdy |
McGraw-Hill, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003936 |
Explosions and Explosion Safety/K. Ramamurthi |
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003937 |
Risk Analysis and Control for Industrial Processes - Gas, Oil and
Chemicals : A System Perspective for Assessing and Avoiding Low-Probability,
High-Consequence Events/Hans J Pasman |
ASME Press, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003938 |
Hydrocarbon Liquid Transmission Pipeline and Storage Systems: Design and
Operation/M. Mohitpour |
Elsevier, 2012 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003939 |
Subsea Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management/Yong Bai |
CCH Australia Limited, 2014 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003940 |
Nightmare Pipeline Failures: Fantasy Planning, Black Swans and Integrity
Management/Hayers, Jan |
Morgan Kaufmann Publ Inc, 2014 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
WM003941 |
Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques/Witten, Ian
H., Frank, Eibe, Holmes, Geoffrey |
NFPA, 2011 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003942 |
NFPA (Fire) 58HB14 LP-Gas Code Handbook, 2014 Edition/ |
Harvard Business School Press, 1900 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
WM003944 |
Data Science and Big Data Analytics/Emc Education Services(COR) |
Morgan Kaufmann Publ Inc, 2015 |
단행본 |
컴퓨터/IT |
WM003945 |
Data Warehousing in the Age of Big Data/Ktichnan, Krich |
OREDA Participants, 2013 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003946 |
OREDA : Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data Handbook (Volume 1 and
2)/OREDA Participants |
OREDA Participants, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003947 |
OREDA : Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data Handbook (Volume 1 and
2)/OREDA Participants |
Clarion Technical Conferences, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003948 |
Pipeline Risk Assessment : The Definitive Approach and It's Role in Risk
Management/Muhlbauer, W.Kent |
Clarion Technical Conferences, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003949 |
MACAW's Encyclopedia of Pipeline : /Clarion |
Elsevier, 2014 |
단행본 |
공학일반 |
WM003950 |
Compost science and technology/Diaz, Luis F. |
Academic Press:Elsevier, 2007 |
단행본 |
과학일반 |
WM003951 |
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science/Glatz, Richard |
NACE International, 2015 |
단행본 |
가스안전 |
WM003952 |
Cathodic Protection Survey Procedures/Holtsbaum, W. Brian |
, 2012 |
단행본 |