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한국기초과학연구원 보유 분석장비 리스트 (2017.04)

by 윤지윤아 2017. 4. 10.

한국기초과학연구원 보유 분석장비 리스트 (2017.04)


장비명(한글) 주요구성및성능 장비보유부서
 X-선 회절분석기(대구센터) ○ X-ray generator : 3kW ○ LFF Cu-anode ○ Powder(bulk) 측정용 Focusing beam optics (B-B method)   (FDS, FRS, FASS, Curved graphite monochromator) ○ Thin film 측정용 Parallel beam optics  (Flat graphite monochromator, Parallel plate collimator) ○ Proportional detector 대구센터
15 T FT-ICR 초고분해능 질량분석장치 ○ 규 격 : 15 테슬라 초전도자석 ○ 성 능 :    최대분해능 > 10,000,000   측정오차: 0.03 ppm   측정감도: S/N = 86 @ Ubiquitin 100 attomol  이온화원: MALDI, ESI, APCI, APPI   MS/MS 방법: CID, ISD, ECD, ETD, SORI-CID  ○ 주요구성 : 고진공시스템, 전자제어장치, 이온화원, 이온검출기, 분석SW ○ 시료주입 방법: Turbospray, Nanomate, LC 생의학오믹스연구팀
16 T 물성특성 측정 시스템 ○ Temperature Range : 0.05K ∼ 400 K (800 K - Oven) ○ Magnetization Sensitivity : 10-9 emu  ○ Multi-Function Probe For High Frequency Measurement ○ Frequency Range : DC ~ 104 Hz ○ Magnet: ±16 Tesla Longitudinal Field ○ Magnet Type: NbTi/Nb3Sn hybrid ○ Field Resolution: 0.03 mT ○ Field Homogeneity: 0.1% over 1 cm DSV ○ Slew Rate: 0.05?21mT/sec. (typical) ○ Heat Capacity Resolution : 10nJ/K at 2K ○ Magnetometer Resolution : 10-6 emu ○ Magnetometer Frequency : 10 Hz ? 10 kHz 스핀공학물리연구팀
200 MHz(A) 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 4.7 Tesla superconducting widebore (89mm) magnet ○ 1 kW RF pulse output on 1H, 300W on X, 2 channel ○ CRAMPS probe for Proton/Fluorine (섭씨 -150 ~ 250) ○ Wideline probe for quadrupolar nuclei (섭씨 -150 ~ 200)  ○ CP/MAS probe : max. spinning rate 7kHz(7mm)/12 kHz(5mm) (섭씨 -150 ~ 250) ○ u-Imaging probe : 100 G/cm (10 um resolution○ 보유기법 Experimental technique : MAS, CP/MAS, CRAMPS, Quadrupolar echo, Nutation, TQ/MAS, μ-MRI  연구장비개발본부
200 MHz(B) 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 2 RF Channels with High Power Outputs ○ CPMAS Probes :   -  for 1.8mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H-19F, room temp. )  -  for 4.0mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H-19F, -100 to 220℃)   -  for 7.5mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H/19F, -100 to 220℃) ○ Wideline Probe : for 5 mm & 10 mm i.d. Coil (15N-31P/1H-19F, -120 to 170℃) 서울서부센터
2차원 액체 크로마토그래피 텐덤 질량분석기 ○High Definition Mass Spectrometry system - Ion Source : ESI, nanoESI, APCi, ASAP or equivalent, MALDI  - Mass Accuracy : Better than 1ppm RMS (MS & MS/MS) - Tof Mass Resoultion : equal or greater 35,000 FWHM - Sensitivity : 50pg Leucin Enkephalin 0.1% Formic acid in 50% ACN, 41,600 ions/sec or Using the  TurboIonSpray? probe in MS/MS mode, reserpine 200 fg on column, S/N > 60:1 - Tof Mass Range : 20 ~ 40,000 Da or more - Dynamic Range : 4 orders - Lock Spray & nanoLock Spray or EasyMass™ Accuracy - IMS(Ion Mobility Seperation) function & ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) or Ultra fast Time to Digital Converter(40GHz TDC) & 15kV acceleration, 2-Stage mirror ○HDX system - 2D UPLC separation system 생물재난연구팀
4.7 T 자기공명영상 시스템 ○Magnet Strength / Bore size : 4.7 Tesla / 400 mm, horizontal ○Spectrometer Electronics : 2 channels, Max gradient strength - 400 mT/m at 200 A ○RF Coils : 1H - 72mm, 35mm, 25mm, rat & mouse brain surface coil, 31P - 72mm, surface coil, 23Na - 72mm ○Animal life monitoring and handling system 생체영상연구팀
400 MHz 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 자석- 자장세기 : 9.4 Tesla○ 프로브- BB/19F-1H/D Z-G probe ○ 온도조절용 cooler: BCU I(-60도~100도) ○ 자동시료교환기: 24개 ○ 이핵종 실험(29Si, 19F, 31P, 17O) 단백질구조연구팀
400 MHz(B) 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○2 RF Channels with High Power Outputs ○CPMAS Probes :    - for 4 mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H-19F, -150 to 250℃) with Low 1H Background Signal    - for 4 mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H-19F, -150 to 250℃) with Low 19F Background Signal    - for 7 mm o.d. Rotor (15N-31P/1H-19F, -150 to 250℃) ○Wideline Probe : for 5 mm i.d. Coil (39K-31P, -100 to 150℃) 서울서부센터
400 MHz(C) 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 Magnet: 9.4 T, 89 mm Wide Bore Three-RF Channels with High Power Output  CPMAS Probeheads  ?for 1.9 mm o.d. Rotor    (13C-31P/1H,≤42kHz, R.T.)  ?for 4 mm o.d. Rotor    (15N-31P/1H-19F, -110 to 230℃)   ?for Triple Resonance & 4 mm o.d. Rotor    (X/Y/1H, -120 to 130℃)  ?for 7 mm o.d. Rotor    (15N-31P/1H-19F, -120 to 130℃) 서울서부센터
400MHz 핵자기공명분광기 고체 NMR    CPMAS Probe (4 mm o.d.)  Multinuclear Exp. : <sup>13</sup>C, <sup>29</sup>Si, <sup>27</sup>Al, <sup>79</sup>Br 등 ROSY (Relaxation Ordered Spectroscopy) 고체시료 혼합물 분석  - 액체 NMR 고성능 Royal Probe : 다핵종, 변온실험 DOSY (Diffusion Ordered Spectr 광주센터
500 MHz 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 11.7 T Untrashielded superconductor magnet 89 mm bore Magnet  ○3RF channels with high power outputs  ○Three channel 1.2mm CP/MAS probes (60kHz) ○3.2 mm CP/MAS probes (25kHz) - Static probe (temperature 4K ? 400K) 전자현미경연구부
500 MHz 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 자석 - 자장세기 : 11.7 Tesla ○ 4 채널 ○ 프로브 - 1H-(13C/15N)Z-G probe - 1H 민감도 : 900 : 1 - 자동시료교환기: 60개 단백질구조연구팀
500 MHz 핵자기 공명 분광분석기 ○ Superconductor Magnet (11.74 T) ○ 다핵종 실험 가능  ○ 5mm Broad Band Probe  ○ ID Probe  ○ Triple Resonance Probe  ○ Two Channel Transmitter System ○ PFG (Performa II) 광주센터
500 MHz 핵자기공명분광기 ○ Magnet: 11.7 Tesla ○ Four channel system  ○ z-Gradient (60 Gauss /cm) ○ Probeheads    5mm 1H(15N-31P) ID-probe   5mm 1H/15N-31P SW-probe   4mm 1H(15N-31P) Nano-probe 서울서부센터
500MHZ 핵자기공명분광기 · Magnet : 11.8T((500MHz) · 51mm-Bore 3 Channel · Triple Resonance Probe 1H (13C/15N) · Switchabel 5mmVT Probe broadband Probe 10mm VT (109Ag/31P) 서울서부센터
600 MHz 고체상태 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ Magnet: 14.1T, 89mm bore Magnet  ○ Three-RF(1H/19F/X) channels with high power outputs ○ Probeheads  CP/MAS probes:   ? for 2.5 mm o.d. Rotor    (15N-31P/1H-19F,≤30 kHz,-30 to 80℃)  ? for 4.0 mm o.d. Rotor     (15N-31P/1H-19F, lower than 15N,-120 to 220℃)  ? for Triple Resonance and 4.0 mm o.d. Rotor    (15N-31P/1H/19F, -120 to 220℃)   ? for 5.0 mm o.d. Rotor  (15N-31P/1H-19F, lower  han 15N,-120 to 220℃)    Wideline Probe: for 5 mm i.d. Coil    (109Ag-31P,-70 to170℃)  Microimaging Probes : 20/45, 30/45 mm Coil (1H) 서울서부센터
600MHz 온라인액체크로마토그라피 핵자기공명질량분석기 시스템 ○ Superconductor Magnet (14.1 T) ○HPLC ○ Mass Spectrometer  ESI/APcI Triple Quadruple Mass (MS/MS) ○ Carbon enhanced cryogenic Probe   Sensitivity of 1H - 4700:1   Sensitivity of 13C - 500:1 광주센터
700 MHz 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 자석 - 자장세기 : 16.45 Tesla ○ 프로브 - 1H-(13C/15N)Z-G cryogenic probe - 1H 민감도 : 7963 : 1 - 13C 민감도 : 1481 : 1 ○ 자동시료교환기 : 24개   단백질구조연구팀
700 MHz 핵자기공명분광기 ○ Magnet: 16.4 Tesla ○ Four channel system ○ z-Gradient (60 Gauss /cm) ○ Probeheads  5mm 1H(13C/15N) TXI-probe 5mm BBO-probe   1.7mm 1H(13C/15N) TXI-probe  4mm 1H(13C/15N) HRMAS-probe ○ Autosampler for liquid sample ○ Auto sample changer for MAS sample 서울서부센터
800 MHz  핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 자석 - 자장세기 : 18.8 Tesla ○ 4 채널  ○ 프로브 - 1H-(13C/15N)Z-G cryogenic probe  - 1H 민감도 : 8743 : 1 - 13C 민감도 : 1749 : 1 단백질구조연구팀
9.4 T 자기공명영상 시스템 ○ Magnet : 9.4 Tesla ○ Bore size: 210 mm, horizontal ○ Spectrometer Electronics : T/R-2/4 channels ○ RF coil : 1H 72mm, 1H 119mm, 13C/1H 72mm, 13C/1H 119mm, Rat/Mouse brain surface coil, Rat heart coil○ Animal life monitoring and handling system 생체영상연구팀
900 MHz 핵자기 공명 분광기 ○ 자석 - 자장세기 : 21.1 Tesla ○ 5 채널 ○ 프로브 - 1H-(13C/15N)Z-G cryogenic probe - 1H 민감도 : 8238 : 1 - 13C 민감도 : 1937 : 1 단백질구조연구팀
OSL 자동측정장비 ○ Glow-oven (Max. 700cm<sup>2</sup>) ○ Sample changer (48 discs at max.) ○ Optical Stimulation - IR LED > 500 mW/cm2 - blue LED > 28 mW/cm2 - Near UV light - Green Laser for single grain dating ○ Radiation Source - Beta irradiator : Sr-90 49 mCi  ○ TL/OSL control & function software   ○ Pulsed OSL measurements ○ Single grain OSL  지구환경연구부
SPE-800MHz 핵자기 공명 분광기-질량 분석기 시스템 ○SPE-800MHz NMR-MS System - 18.89T actively shielded superconducting magnet - Cryogenic probe 장착 (1H 감도=7752:1, 01.% EB in CDCl3(2ppm noise)) - SampleJet 장착 (자동 시료 교환 장치, 480개 샘플) - LC-SPE-NMR/MS system 장착 서울서부센터
STEM용 수차보정 투과전자현미경 ○ Lattice resolution(STEM, TEM) : 0.1nm, 0.19nm  ○ Magnification (STEM, TEM) : x100 to x150,000,000, x50 to x2,000,000  ○ Accelerating voltage : 80kV, 200kV  ○ Beam emission method : Schottky Emission source  ○ Specimen tilt angle : ±30˚ ○ EDS : Oxford SDD system ○ In-situ TEM : thermal/electric/mechanic test 전주센터
X-선 광전자 분광기 ○Photon source : Monochromatic Al-Ka (1486.6 eV) for XPS, He I (21.2 eV) for UPS ○Energy Resolution : Ag 3d5/2 <0.48 eV for XPS, 100 meV for UPS ○Fast parallel XPS/UPS imaging resolution with snapshot mode : <3um ("Real time" chemical state mapping) ○Full charge compensation system capable of analyzing insulators and poor conducting materials such as both ○polymeric devices and relevant bio samples. ○High speed depth profiling with the wide energy range ion gun (100eV~4keV) ○100 channel pulse counting detector  -. Fully automatic large sample(3") loading and handing (only AXIS-NOVA)  -. Heating and cooling manipulator (-150 ~ 600 degree) (only Ultra-DLD)  -. Polyatomic ion source to avoid surface damage (only Ultra-DLD) 나노표면연구팀
X-선 광전자분광 시스템 ○ UHV : 1 x 10-10 torr, μ-metal chamber ○ High resolution electron analyzer : on Ag3d<sub>5/2</sub> peak : ≤ 0.5 eV FWHM ○ Energy Source : monochromated Al-Kα (1486.6 eV)  ○ X-ray monochromator with user selectable spot size from 30μm to 400 μm ○ Low energy electron & low energy ion gun for charge compensation : Electron beam emission up to 250 uA ○ Ultimate spatial resolution : ≤30μm ○ Max. Sensitivity at 1eV FWHM on Ag3d<sub>5/2</sub>, at 400 μm : 4,000,000 cps ○ Depth profiling 부산센터
X-선 형광 분석기 ○Generator - max. power 4kW (max. 60kV, 125mA) ○X-ray tube - end-window type Rhodium anode - max. 4kW power○Spectrometer - WDX-type sequential spectrometer - 8 analyzing crystals and 4 collimators ○Goniometer - θ/2θ decoupled, with Direct Optical Position Sensors (DOPS) - Scanning speed 0.00001-2˚ 2θ/s - Angular reproducibility <0.0003˚ 2θ/s ○Detectors - Flow counter 13˚ - 148˚ - Scintillation counter 8˚ - 104˚ ○Automatic Sample changer : robotic arm system, 144 positions ○Sample prepartion system - Bead maker 2 sets  - Automatic press - Gyral grinder, vibration mill 서울센터
X-선 회절분석기(광주센터)  ○X-ray generator : 3kW ○가속전압 / 전류 : 40kV / 40mA  ○검출기 측정 범위 (2θ) : 1 ~ 160˚  ○검출기 유형- Position sensitive detector- Sol-X solid state detector ○Auto sampler : 8 position sampler changer ○시료지지대 : 분말, bulk, pillary  ○X-Ray source type : Cu, Co  광주센터
X-선 회절분석기(서울센터) ○ X-ray generator : 3㎾ (Cu anode) ○ High temperature attachment (실온 ∼ 1600℃) ○ Low temperature attachment (80K ∼ 620K) ○ Thin film detector 장착으로 박막의 측정에 용이 ○ Twin vertical goniometer system 서울센터
가스흡착측정장비 시스템 주요흡착기체 : Hydrogen Pressure range : Vacuum~ Max 135bar Magnetic suspension balance :  ○Max. temperature: 250°C ○Resolution: 10μg ○Reproducibility: +/-20μg ○Density measurement: Titanium sinker 20g(4.5cm3) ○Resolution 0.002kg/m3 ○Accuracy: +/-0.02kg/m3 Sample weight : max. 15g, 20ml Preheating temperature : Max. 500°C(below ambient pressure) Measurement temperature : 77K, 0°C~70°C 전자현미경연구부
각분해능 X-선 광전자 분광기 ○ UHV : 3 x 10-9 torr, μ-metal chamber ○ High resolution electron analyzer : on Ag3d<sub>5/2</sub> peak : ≤ 0.6 eV  FWHM ○ Energy Source : monochromated Al-Kα (1486.6 eV)  ○ charge compensation : Used two electron flood gun ○ X-ray monochromator with user selectable spot size from 15μm to 400 μm ○ Max. Sensitivity at 1eV FWHM on g3d<sub>5/2</sub>, at 400 μm : 400,000 cps ○ Depth profiling ○ Fast angle-resolved XPS:   Simultaneously collects from multiple angles No need for sample tilting 부산센터
고령동물생육시설 ○고령동물생육시설 주요구성  - 개별환기청정사육장비(IVC rack, 27개) 전구역 도입   - 구조 : 동물실(6), 실험실(2), 기계실, 준비실, 세척실, 저온창고, 창고(2), 폐기물보관실, 사무실, 발전기실, 보일러실  - 부대설비 : 자동제어시스템, 공조기(2대), 보일러(2대), 비상가스발전기, 오토클래브(2대), 터널워셔, 에어샤워기(3대), 급기휀(6대), 응축수 탱크, 축열식온수기, 패스박스, 패스룸, 자동손소독기, 건조기, 크린벤치, UV 옷장, 깔짚처리장치 광주센터
고분해능 X-선 회절분석기(대구센터) ○ X-ray generator : 3kW ○ Special LFF Cu-anode ○ 4-bounce crystal : Ge(220), Ge(440), Ge(220)-Asy.  ○ Hybrid : Mirror + Ge(220) 4X ○ Analyzer crystal : Ge(220) 3X ○ Eulerian cradle : 2θ, Omega, Psi, Phi, X, Y, Z ○ Graded multi-layer mirror ○ X-ray lens ○ Thin film attachment : Flat graphite monochromator, Parallel plate collimator ○ X'celerator detector & Proportional detector 대구센터
고분해능 매트릭스 보조 레이저 탈착 질량분석기 ■ 질량한계 : ≥350,000Da (upper limit per by suitably ionized biomolecule) ■ 질량분별능  - Delayed extraction mode linear mode : ≥3,000 for angiotensin (1.3 pmol/㎕)≥3,500 for ACTH 18-39 (1.5 pmol/㎕)  - Reflector mode : ≥20,000 for Bovine insulin (3.5 pmol/㎕) ≥1,200 for Thioredoxin (2.75 pmol/㎕) ■ 이온화법 : MALDI with N2 laser (337nm, 3ns pulse) ■ 분석관 : 비행시간형 질량분석기 (2.0m linear mode, 3.0m reflector mode) 전주센터
고분해능 바이오 투과전자현미경 가속전압: 80~300kV 전자총: X-FEG (filed emission gun) 분해능: 0.14nm (300kV, 경사각 0도), 0.23nm (300kV, 경사각 70도) STEM 분해능: 0.20nm 배율: x40 ~ x740,000 경사각: +/- 70도 (평면회전 90도) 폴피스 공간: 11mm 구면수차: 2.7mm 색수차: 2.7mm 온도: 액체질소 온도 ~ 상온 특수기능: (1) 구면수차 보정기 (2) 초저온 전자현미경 (자동 액체질소 주입장치) (3)  STEM 및 STEM 토모그래피 (4) 소음 차단 장치 (5) 자동 조리개 조정 장치 (6) 자동 시료 로딩 장치 (최고 12 시료 로딩) 검출기 (1) 2,048 x 2,048 픽셀 CCD 검출기 (시료 스크리닝) (2) 4,096 x 4,096 픽셀 DDD 검출기 (데이터 수집) (3) 1,380 x 1,030 픽셀 CCD 검출기 (시료 스크리닝) (4) STEM 검출기 소프트웨어 (1) TIA (장비 구동) (2) EPU (자동 low dose 영상 데이터 수집) (3) FEI Tomography (토모그래피 영상 데이터 수집) (4) Inspect 3D (토모그래피 영상 분석) 전자현미경연구부
고분해능 이차원 X-선 회절분석기 1) Main System    (1) 3KW X-ray generator    (2) Special Ceramic LFF Cu X-ray tube  2) Optical Modules    (1) PreFix optics for line and point focus    (2) X-ray mirror : parallel & Montel mirror(micro diffraction용)    (3) HR-primary monochromator : Ge(220) 2-bounce & 4-bounce    (4) DS, AS, RS, Collimator   (5) Analyzer crystal : 3-bounce   3) Sample Stage   (1) 5-axis stage (X-Y-Z-Tilt-Phi) (2) SAXS & GI-SAXS stage  4) 0-D(Scintillation), 1-D(LynxEye) & 2-D(Vantec500) detector  5) Laser & CCD system (auto alignment, positioning용)  대구센터
고분해능 전기분무 이온화 탄뎀질량분석기 ○ Ion Source : ESI (MALDI 가능) ○ Resolution : Resolution mode > 20,000 FWHM  High resolution mode > 40,000 FWHM ○ Analyser : TOF  ○ Exact mass (1ppm RMS)   ○ Detector : MCP detector  ○ Linear dynamic range of up to 105  ○ Scan speed : 20 spectra/sec   ○ LC Interface  ○ MSE를 사용하면 구조적인 정보를 간편하게 알아볼 수 있는 장점이 있으며, UPLC 혹은 Nanomate와 같은 별도의 sample dilivery system을 함께 사용하여 미량의 시료를 분석 할 수 있다. 생의학오믹스연구팀
고분해능 주사전자현미경 ○Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope ○Resolution - Accelerating voltage 15kV WD=4mm...1.0nm(220,000X)- Accelerating voltage 1kV WD=1.5mm...2.0nm(120,000X)○Magnification- ×30 - ×800,000○Electron optics - Electron gun : Cold cathode field emission type - Accelerating voltage : 0.5 to 30 kV - Extracting Voltage : 0 to 6.5 kV 전자현미경연구부
고분해능 주사전자현미경 모델 : SU8230 (Hitachi, Japan) 1.이미지 분해능 (이차전자) - 0.8nm at 15kV - 1.1nm at 1kV - 투과자전자이미지 분석 (BF/DF) 2. 배율 - LM mode : 20 to x2,000 - HM mode : x100 to x1,000,000  3. 가속전압 - Standard : 0.5 to 30kV - Deceleration : 0.01 to 2.0kV 4. 성분분석(EDS) - Light Element Detector (LN2 free type) - SDD detector 80mm2, 127eV at Mn Ka - Detectable elements : 4Be ~ 94Pu 전주센터
고분해능 주사전자현미경 1) 분해능 - 15 kV : 0.8 nm - 1 kV : 1.1 nm (Deceleration mode) 2) Magnification : LM x20 ~ x2,000, HM x100 ~ x800,000 3) 가속전압 : 0.5kV ~ 30kV (0.1kV/step) 4) 전자빔소스 : Cold cathode field emission electron gun 5) Specimen stage  - X axis : 50 mm - Y axis : 50 mm  - Z axis : 1.5 mm to 30mm - Tilt : -5° to +70° 6) 검출기 : SE, HA-BSE, LA-BSE, EDS 서울서부센터
고분해능 질량분석기(A) ■High Resolution Mass Spectrometer ○ Resolution :   - 60,000 at 10% valley  ○ Analyzer type :   - Magenetic sector-Electric sector double focusing mass analyzer  ○ Ionization Mode:   - Electron ionization(EI)   - Fast atom bombardment(FAB)   ○ Mass Range :   - 2,600 amu (acceleration voltage 10kV)   Low and High resolution mode  Positive and Negative ion mode  대구센터
고분해능 질량분석기(B) ■High Resolution Mass Spectrometer ○ Resolution :   - 60,000 at 10% valley ○ Analyzer type :   - Magenetic sector-Electric sector double focusing mass analyzer ○ Ionization Mode:   - Electron ionization(EI)   - Fast atom bombardment(FAB) ○ Mass Range :   - 2,600 amu (acceleration voltage 10kV) Low and High resolution mode Positive and Negative ion mode  대구센터
고분해능 투과전자현미경(광주센터)  ■Electron source   ○ Type of emitter: Schottky Field emitter  ○ Accelerating Voltage Range : 20-200kV  ■Imaging, Micro-analysis    ○ TEM Point resolution : 0.19nm   ○ TEM Line resolution : 0.10n  ○ Magnification Range : 50X - 1,600,000X-   ○ STEM Magnification Range : 55X - 300,000X (+8x Zoom)  ■Energy dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX)   ○ EDX elevation angle : 20°  ○ EDX Solid angle : 0.133sr 광주센터
고분해능 표적 질량분석기 ○ 주요 구성 - nanoLC 연결 또는 Direct infusion - 이온화 방식 :ESI (Electrospray Ionization) - 조각이온화 방식 : CID (Collision Induced Dissociation) - 질량분석관 : TOF (Time-Of-Flight) ○ 성능 - 분자측정범위 : 100~4000m/z - 분해능 : MS > 25,000, MS/MS > 15,000 - MS/MS scan speed : 10msec - Data dependent analysis - Data Independent analysis(MS/MSAll and SWATH정량분석) - HRMRM analysis 생의학오믹스연구팀
고분해능질량분석기 Mass Range: 2-6000 Da (acceleration voltage 5kV) - Mass Scan Power: 0.1 to 10000 Da/sec - Mass Accuracy: <2 ppm  - Resolution: up to 60,000 R  - Ionization mode: EI, FAB  - Low and high resolution mode - Mass Analyzer: Electric sector-Magnetic sector   서울센터
고성능엑스레이광전자분광분석기 UHV : 1 x 10-9 torr, UHV compatible chamber High resolution electron analyzer : on Ag 3d5/2 peak : ≤ 0.5 eV  FWHM Energy Source : Microfocussed  ochromated Al-Ka  (1486.6 eV)  X-ray monochromator with user selectable spot size from 30μm to     400 μm  Low energy electron & low energy ion gun for charge compensation : Electron beam emission up to 250 uA  Ultimate spatial resolution : ≤30μm  Max. Sensitivity at 1eV FWHM on Ag3d5, at 400 μm : 4,000,000 cps  Ion source for depth profile:   Monoatomic Mode(inorganic depth profile):0.2keV to 4keV &  Cluster mode(organic depth profile):2keV to 8keV 부산센터
고저항 온도가변 홀효과 측정 시스템 ○Resistance measurement range : 1.0 × 1.5 × 1011ohm  ○Current range : 1 pA ∼ 100 mA  ○Van der paw (4-lead) ○Hall bar (6-lead) sample configuration ○Electromagnet   ○Pole diameter : 7 inch  ○Air gap : 0 ∼ 7 inch ○Magnetic field : 1 Tesla at 3 inch air gap  ○Liquid Nitrogen Sample Holder(77K)  ○Closed Cycle Refrigenerator ○Temperature range : 10 ∼ 300 K 광주센터
고진공 FT-IR/RAMAN 영상 분광 시스템 ○ Spectral ranges: 8,000 to 350 cm-1  ○ Resolution : Better than 0.06 cm-1  ○ Wavenumber: Better than 0.01 cm-1  ○ Photometric accuracy: 0.1% T ○ Single reflection ATR unit 부산센터
공초점 세포스크리닝 자동화 탐색기 ○ 4 lasers, 4 CCD HCS Reader ○ Multimode Microplate Reader ○ Multi-axis robot system ○ CO<sub>2</sub> Incubator for high-capacity plate storage ○ Variable tip & MDT head liquid hander ○ Nanoscale tipless liquid handler ○ Webbrowser based data management system 질환표적기능연구팀
광발광매핑시스템 ○ Model: LabRam HR ○ 여기광원: He-Cd laser 325㎚ 30㎽ ○ 그레이팅(blaze파장): 600gr/㎜(500㎚) ○ 분광해상도: 0.05?/0.15㎝-1 (633 nm) ○ 측정대역: 200 ~ 1050 (CCD detector) ○ 상온 마이크로PL측정 (시료에 spot size 2㎛) 및 Mapping - Mapping 분석을 통해 미세구조의 3차원적인 광발광 특성분석 전주센터
광학분광기(자외선/가시광선/근적외선 광분광기) ■ UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer (자외선 가시광선 근적외선 광분광기) ○ 자외선-가시광선-근적외선 영역에서 단색화 된 광을 이용하여 액체 및 고체 시료의 투과 및 반사, 흡수율(스펙트럼)을 측정 ○ 물질의 흡수 스펙트럼 측정으로 물질의 확인 및 농도결정 ○ Kinetic 측정 (시간 및 온도변화에 따른 반응속도) ■ 구성 및 성능 ○ Monochromator : Double littrow double beam○ Detector : PMT & Cooled PbS ○ Wavelength range : 175 ~ 3,300nm ○ Diffuse reflectance ○ Variable angle specular reflectance ○ Absolute specular reflectance 대구센터
구조분석용 고분해능 주사전자현미경 ○Electron Source - Thermal Schottky field emitter○Resolution- Electron Beam 0.8nm @15kV○Beam Stability 0.2%/h○GEMINI Column Electrostatic and Magnetic Lens○Detectors- High efficiency In-lens Secondary Electron  detector - Everhart-Thornley Secondary Electron Detector - Variable Pressure Secondary Electron Detector  춘천센터
구조분석용 고분해능 주사전자현미경 ■주사전자현미경 ○분해능 - 0.4 nm @ 30keV - 0.5 nm @ 30keV (STEM) ○배율 × 20 - × 800,000 or better ○전자광학계 - Electron gun : Schottky field emission type electron gun(ZrO/W emitter) - Accelerating voltage : 0.1 to 30 kV or better - Max. probe current : Up to 100nA or better. ○EPMA - EDS : 125 eV or better resolution - WDS : Reproducibility of wavelength position ± 0.000014nm; Linearity of wavelength position ± 0.0002nm  서울센터
구조분석용 고분해능 주사전자현미경 ○ Analytical SEM, - Electron Gun;ZrO/W Shottly Gun, - Duo-OBJ Lens ○ Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer, - Electron Backscatter pattern(EBSD) ○ Resolution;15kV=1.0 nm, 1kV;2.5, - Deceleration mode, - Backscatter detector 부산센터
구조분석용 고분해능 주사전자현미경 ○Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope  ○Resolution - 1.0nm guaranteed or better @ 15kVacc. & WD 5mm or longer - 1.6nm guaranteed or better @ 1kVacc. & WD 5mm or longer  ○Magnification × 20 - × 800,000 or better ○Electron optics - Electron gun : Schottky field emission type electron gun(ZrO/W emitter) - Accelerating voltage : 0.1 to 30 kV or better - Max. probe current : Up to 100nA or better ○Accessory device -EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) -EBSD (Electron BackScattered Diffraction) -STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope) 광주센터
구조분석용 고분해능 주사전자현미경 1) 해상도 0.8nm@15kV, 1.0nm@1kV, 2.0nm@30kV(VP mode) 2) VP 진공   2 ~ 133 Pa, adjustable in steps of 1 Pa 3) 확대   12 ~ 900,000x 4) 전자빔   Thermal field emission type 5) 가속전압  0.1 ~ 30 kV 6) 검출기  High efficiency In○lens detector Everhart○Thornley Secondary Electron Detector VPSE Detector 제주센터
극저온 탐침 시스템 ○Cryogenic Probe Station ○구성 - 극저온 재물대 (4.2K) - 초전도자석 (1T, Superconducting split-pair) - 초고주파 탐침(DC ~60GHz) ○Sample Stage - 25.4 mm diameter - Optical access ○Probing configurations  - Maximum probes 4 - Probe mount: Thermally anchored to radiation shield  - Probe landing: Single point in a 25.4 mm diameter circle ○2K~300K 온도범위에서 Micro patterned media 의 temperature, field dependent resistance, thermal flow, contact assistance, 초고주파 측정 및 분석하는 장비 스핀공학물리연구팀
글로우 방전 분광기 ○Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer ○Polychromator (Simultaneous)   - Wavelength range : 110 - 900 nm  - Grating density : 3000 gr/mm  - Resolution : 14 pm  - Detector : HDD(Dynamic range 5 x 1010) ○Monochromator (Sequential)   - Wavelength range :160 - 510 nm  - Grating density : 3600 gr/mm  - Resolution : 0.009 nm  - Detector : HDD ○RF generator (normal & pulsed)   - Frequency : 13.56 Mhz   - Power : 100 W, adjustable 글로우방전 분광분석법(glow discharge spectrometry)은 벌크(bulk) 시료의 정성/정량분석과 코팅시료의 깊이방향 분석(depth profiling)이 가능하며 분석 시간이 빠르고 감도가 좋은 분석법이다. 특히, GD는 낮은 플라즈마 압력 상태에서 고체 시료로부터 이온들을 직접적으로 발생시킬 수 있으므로 spectrometry의 발광(emission)분광법의 source로 사용할 수 있다. 또한 glow discharge spectrometer(GDS)에 RF generator를 사용함으로서 분석의 응용 범위를 전도성 시료뿐만 아니라 부도체까지 확장시킬 수 있으며, 특히 normal RF와 pulsed RF를 병행하여 사용할 수 있기 때문에 유리, 세라믹, polymer 시료 등 온도에 민감한 시료 및 정밀한 depth profile이 요구되는 시료의 분석이 가능하다. 부산센터
글로우방전 질량분석기 ○ Glow discharge chamber ○ High vacuum turbo pump ○ Sector Field spectrometer ○ Hexapole ion optics ○ Faraday detector and Ion counter detector ○ RF generator ○ Detection limit : ~ ppb(μg/kg) ○ High resolution : ~ 10000 ○ High sensitivity ○ High selectivity ○ High specificity 지구환경연구부
기체/액체크로마토그래피 질량분석기 ○ Gas chromatography system/Tandem MS - Muli-mode inlet - Mass range : 10 to 1,050 amu - Resolution : user selectable between 0.4~4.0 Da - Scan speed : user selectable up to 6,250 amu/sec - Maximum MRM speed : 500 Transitions/sec - EI MRM sensitivity : 100 fg of OFN will produce > 7000:1 RMS ○ Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography system/Triple quadrupole MS/MS- Selected ion monitoring (SIM) for quantitation/low level detection. - Mass range : m/z 5 to 1,400 or more - Scanning speed : 12,500 u/sec or faster - Mass resolution : 0.4 Da or less (FWHM)  - RM Sensitivity - ESI Positive, 1pg of reserpine injected on column, quantifying on the transition m/z 609 to 195 with Signal-to-noise ratio more than 50,000:1  질량분석장비개발팀
기체크로마토그래피 질량분석기 ○ 이차원 기체크로마토그래프     - 다기능 포함 자동 주입 시스템     - Thermal modulator for high-definition sample resolving capabilities  ○ 비행시간형 질량분석기 - High spectral acquisition rate (> 50 spectra/sec) - Mass range : 5~1000 m/z   - Mass resolution : Unit mass resolution - Dynamic range : 5 order of magnitude - Peaks ranging from 50 to 200 milliseconds wide are capable of collecting data at rates of 100 Hz in order to adequately characterize the shape of the chromatographic peak - Automated peak finding, true signal deconvolution without interfering signal - Sensitivity : S/N ratio 10:1 at HCB 2pg/uL detection (1ul / Splitless)  - utomated peak finding, true signal deconvolution without interfering signal   서울서부센터
기체크로마토그래피 질량분석기 ○ Mass range : 10∼1,050 amu ○ Ionization mode : EI, CI, NCI ○ MS Analyzer : Metalized gold quadrupole type ○ Library : Wiley 7th 390,000 spectra  부산센터
다각광산란검출시스템 ■ DAWN HELEOS II System (Wyatt) - DAWN HELEOS II 18 angle light scattering instrument- Ambient cell cleaning kit, Inline Filter kit, Syringe Pump■ Optilab T-rEX (Wyatt) - Extended range refractive index detector■ SEC Column (Wyatt)- SEC PROTEIN COLUMN 5uM 150, 300, 500 A (7.8x300mm) ■보유하고 있는 column의 범위 ○ (Wyatt; total volume: 14.3 ml) + guard column - WTC-015S5 : 500~150,000 Da - WTC-050S5 : 15,000~5,000,000 Da - WTC-030S5 : 5,000~1,250,000 Da○ (Agilent; 7.5x300 mm) + guard column (8 mm particle size) polysaccharide 전용 - PL aquagel-OH MIXED-H : 6,000~10,000,000 Da - PL aquagel-OH MIXED-M : 1,000~500,000 Da○ (Tosoh; 7.5x300 mm) - TSK-gel-GMPWXL (13micron, mixed bed) : 500 ~ 8000,000 Da (PEG 기준) - TSK-gel-G3000SW : 10,000 ~ 500,000 Da ■ HPLC 단백질구조연구팀
다검출기 불활성기체 질량분석시스템 ○ CO<sub>2</sub> laser heating system ○ automatic gas preparation bench ○ 13cm radius sector type magnetic mass spectrometer ○ Full automatic system integration including data reduction ○ resolution : 200  ○ sensitivity : > 1.0 ×10<sup>-3</sup> Amp/Torr (200㎂ trap) 지구환경연구부
다기능 X-선 회절분석기(대구센터) ○ 3kW X-ray generator ○ Special Ceramic LFF Cu X-ray tube ○ Focusing & parallel mirror ○ Hybrid monochromator : Mirror + Ge(220) 2X ○ PDS, PASS, PRS, Collimator ○ TAD용 analyzer crystal : Ge(220) 3X ○ 5-axis stage : X-Y-Z-Tilt(Chi)-Phi ○ Reflection/Transmission stage ○ CT-rotation stage  ○ 1D detector & 2D(PIXcel) detector ○ Temp. & Humidity control system : 투과형, max.95% 대구센터
다기능 투과전자현미경 ○Electron source  - Type of emitter: Schottky Field emitter   - Accelerating Voltage Range : 20-200kV  ○Imaging, Micro-analysis and Accessories  - Point resolution: 0.25 nm  - Line(lattice) resolution: 0.10 nm   - Magnification Range : 50X - 1,600,000X-  - STEM Magnification Range : 55X - 300,000X (+8x Zoom) ○Specimen stage  - Tilt angle: X, Y 각각 ±40° 이상  - TEM Tomography Holder, In-situ Straining Holder, In-situ Heating Holder 광주센터
다목적 X-선 회절 분석기 ○Multi Purpose X-Ray Diffractometer - Generator Power : 3 kW - Tube Power : 2.2 kW - Spinner Stage - X-ray Lens for Stress/Texture - XRR Attachment - Mirror-Mirror System - Hybrid Monochromator - In-Situ Hot Stage - In-Situ Electrochemical Stage 강릉센터가 보유하고 있는 X-선 회절분석기 미소 시료 검출 및 시료 자동화 시스템(Micro Sample Analysis and Auto Sample Changer System for Multi-purpose X-ray Diffractometer)은 500 ㎛ 크기를 갖는 X-ray beam으로 미소 영역 분석이 가능한 마이크로 회절 시스템으로 시편의 미세구조 특성에 관한 결정 정보 분석이 가능하다. 그리고 In-Situ Hot Stage system으로 상변화에 따른 결정구조 정보를 즉각적으로 분석할 수 있다. 서울서부센터
다목적 X-선 회절분석기 ○ X-ray generator: 3kW Cu anode ○ Graded multi-layer mirror: primary and secondary optics ○ Poly-capillary lens: slit size 0-10 mm ○ Mono-capillary collimator: beam size 0.5 mm ○ Parallel plate collimator: equatorial acceptance 0.27°○ Curved graphite monochromator ○ 2-bounce hybrid monochromator ○ Zero background sample holder○ High-temperature chamber: R.T.-1600°C under air/inert gas/vacuum, Pt heating filament type○ Open Eulerian cradle: 2θ, omega, psi, phi○ Sample spinner: 1/16-2 rps○n/Transmission interfaces 서울센터
다목적 X-선 회절분석기(대구센터) ○ X-ray generator : 3kW ○ Special LFF Cu-anode ○ 4-bounce crystal : Ge(220) ○ Hybrid : Mirror + Ge(220) 2X ○ Analyzer crystal : Ge(220) 3X ○ Eulerian cradle : 2θ, Omega, Psi, Phi, X, Y, Z ○ DHS(Domed Hot Stage) : R.T - 900℃, Non-ambient ○ Sample spinner : 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 rps ○ Multi-Purpose sample stage  ○ Graded multi-layer mirror(primary & secondary optics) ○ Thin Film attachment : Flat graphite monochromator, Parallel plate collimator ○ X'celerator detector & Proportional detector 대구센터
다목적 X-선 회절분석기(대전본원) X-선과 물질의 상호작용 중 회절, 반사 및 산란측정을 통해 다양한 응용분야에 활용되는 물질에 대한 결정구조분석을 Pre-Fix개념으로 최적화된 고성능 분석용 광학계로 구성 - 초고속 회절분석을 통한 결정상 정성 정량 분석 - X-선 산란측정 - 고(중간) 분해능 분석용 광학계분석용 광학계로 구성 1) Main System - 3KW X-ray generator - Special Ceramic LFF Cu X-ray tube  2) Optical Modules - PreFix optics for line and point focus - Focusing & parallel mirror - Hybrid monochromator : - PDS, PASS, PRS, Collimators for Thin Film - TAD용 analyzer crystal : 3-bounce  3) Sample Stage - 5-axis stage (X-Y-Z-Tilt-Phi) - Reflection/Transmission stage 전자현미경연구부
다목적 X-선회절분석기(부산센터) ○ X-ray generator : 3KW  ○ X-ray tube; Cu, Long Fine focus ○ Vertical type goniometer θ-θ and/or θ-2θ ○ Progammable Divergence Slit ○ Multi-Purpose Sample Stage : Max. sample diameter : 100mm  ○ Thin Film attachment(Flat Graphite Monochromator, Parallel Plate Collimator)  ○ X'celerator Detector & Proportional Detector  부산센터
단결정용 X-선 회절분석기 (1) ○ 장비사양 - APEX CCD Detector    - High-precision 3-axis Goniometer - Monochromator  - Rotary Shutter - Video Microscope  - Radiation Safety Cabinet  - X-ray Generator     - X-ray Tube - Data Control System     - Data Collection Software - Area Detector Strategy Organizer Software   - Data Reduction Software - Low temperature device  ○ 성능 - X-ray를 이용한 단결정 물질의 3차원적 구조 규명 - CCD 검출기를 이용한 신속한 데이터수집 - 3축 Goniometer의 용이한 방향설정 - Mo Kα X-선 발생 서울서부센터
단결정용 X-선 회절분석기 (2) ○장비사양 - PHOTON 100 CMOS Detector (Large 100cm2- active area / High sensitivity) - Target: Mo and Cu dual sources - X-ray generator - KAPPA 4-circle goniometer - Graphite crystal monochromator - Rotary shutter - Low temperature device ○성능  - X-ray를 이용한 단결정 물질의 3차원적 구조 규명  - CCD Camera를 이용한 용이한 정보수집 - 4축 Goniometer의 용이한 방향설정  - Mo 와 Cu X-선 발생  서울서부센터
단백질 아미노산 서열 분석 시스템 ○ 구성 : 본체 (자동 화학반응시스템) ○ HPLC system, ○ Multiwavelength detector, ○ data analysis system ○ 단백질 양 : 최소 50 pmole이상○ 단백질 순도 : 90% 이상○ Reading capacity : 최대 50~60residue 서울센터
단백질 합성기 ○ 20개 아미노산 용기 ○ 다중(4개)의 합성 장치 ○ 펩타이드 단리 ○ 합성 스케일 0.05umol - 1.0umol 단백질구조연구팀
단백질결정 자동화장비(모스키토) ○ Protein crystallization screening system  96-well plate format    Sample: 35~40 μL/plate    Sitting-drop, hanging-drop    Microseeding      Initial screening solution 종류    96 x 30 조건 (soluble protein용)    96 x 10 조건 (membrane protein용)    Additive (96조건) 또는 detergent (96조건) screening  ○ Automated crystal imager     UV optic이 부착되어 단백질 결정과 salt 결정 구분가능 단백질구조연구팀
레이저 주사 공초점 현미경 시스템 ○One polychromatic 32-channel detector for fast acquisition of full emission signal - emission finger printing for multiple dye(upto 8 channel) separation, metatracking for  optimum signal detection for multiple dye experiment ○Scan speed - max. 2600 lines/sec, 5 fames/sec for 512x512 pixels 77 fames/sec for 512x32 pixels ○Separate and independent pinhole concept. ○Lasers and laser lines- NIR(near infra red) laser : 710-920nm, tunable - Ar laser : 458/477/488/514nm, 30mW - HeNe laser I : 543nm, 1mW, HeNe laser II : 633nm, 5mW ○Fully motorized inverted microscope ○Reuse function- automatic load and save all kinds of experiment parameters, it guarantees reproducible experiment  춘천센터
레이저라만 분광기(발광 분석시스템) ■구성  ○검출기: ICCD (intensified charge coupled device) ○여기광원: 325nm He-Cd laser, 4th and 5th harmonic Nd-Yag laser (213nm, 266nm)  ○스펙트로미터: focal length, 50cm  ○Cryostat: closed cycle 방식, 7K(minimum) ■성능 ○ detection range: 200~950nm ○ resolution: 0.02 nm ○ 측정온도: 7K ~ 상온, close cycled cryostat 광주센터
레이저삭박 다검출기 유도결합플라즈마 질량분석기 ○ Laser ablation - 193 nm laser with <4ns pluse width - 1~300 Hz repetition rate - 12 J/㎠ flence at the sample surface - 13 spots between 2~150 ㎛ with 149 in infinitely variable aperture imaged spot selection(IVA) - Ratating XY shutter - 100㎜×100㎜ abltion chamber, high performance format cell  ○ MC-ICPMS - Double focussing high precision isotopic measurement mass spectormeter - Sixteen faraday detectors, each with a 55V dynamic range - Five large discrete dynode ion-counting multipliers - High abundance deceleration filters available for individual ion-counting multipliers - Enhandced variable zoom optics for maximum flexibility 지구환경연구부
마이크로 라만분광기 ○ Lasers   - visible lasers: 488nm diode-pumped solid-stage laser and  633nm He-Ne laser ○ Optics and spectrometers - Filters : to remove the Rayleigh scattered photons Spectrometers to reject the intense ayleigh scattered light. - Grating: to disperse the collected Raman scattered light into its component quencies for detection. ○ Detectors    - 1,024×128 pixel in CCD detector ○ MX51-Olympus microscope   -objetive lenses : ×100,  ×50 long working distance lens 전주센터
매트릭스 보조 레이저 탈착 이온화 비행시간 질량분석 시스템 ○TOF mass range (Using High Mass Detector)  - ≤ 1,500 kDa  ○Mass resolution   - Linear TOF mode (Protein) ≥ 700 for Insulin (m/z 5,734) FWHM, ≥ 1,000 for Myoglobin M2+ (m/z 8,476) FWHM  ≥ 1,200 for Cytochrome C (m/z 12,361) FWHM, ≥ 1,100 for Myoglobin (m/z 16,952) FWHM  - Reflector TOF mode ≥ 40,000 for Somatostatin 28 (m/z 3,147.47) FWHM  - MS/MS mode:  ≥ 1,500 for [Glu1]-Fib fragment m/z 175,   ≥ 2,500 for [Glu1]-Fib fragment m/z 684 ≥ 3,500 for [Glu1]-Fib fragment m/z 1,056, ≥ 4,500 for [Glu1]-Fib fragment m/z 1,441 ○Max. data aquisition speed  - 1 kHz  ○Mass accuracy (Protein mixture)   - MS mode: better than 60 ppm (With external calibrant), better than 50 ppm (With internal calibrant)  - MS/MS mode: Average Mass Error ≤ 0.05 Da for relevant fragments of [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B (m/z 1,570) ○Mass sensitivity  - Single-MS mode: 500 fmol BSA (m/z 66,000) at S/N ≥ 100:1 shown with 1,000 laser shots - MS-MS mode: 250 amol [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B fragment 1,056 Da at S/N ≥ 20:1 ○Ionization - BRUKER smartbeam II laser, 355 nm wavelength 질환표적기능연구팀
매트릭스 보조 레이저 탈착 이온화 비행시간 질량분석 시스템 1. Resolution : >40,000 FWHM (for Somatostatin 28 (m/z 3,147.47)≥ 25,000 for Cytochrome C (m/z 12,361) FWHM 2. Sensitivity : 250 amol [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B at S/N ≥ 200:1  3. Mass range : up to 1,500kDa 4. Accuracy: better than 50 ppm with internal calibration (protein mixture) 5. MS/MS mode : Average Mass Error ≤ 0.05 Da for relevant fragments of [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B (m/z 1,570) 질량분석장비개발팀
메트릭스 보조레이저탈착 질량분석기 이미징 시스템 ○ 질량한계:>300,000Da(upper limit ser by suitably ionized biomolecule) ○ 질량분별능: Delayed extraction mode Linear mode: >80 for BSA(5pmol/㎕), >1000 for Myoglobin(5pmol/㎕) >3000 ○ for angiotensin I (1pmol/㎕) Reflector mode: >15,000 for Bovine insulin(5pmol/㎕) >1,200 for E.coli  ○ 이온화법: MALDI with N₂laser(337nm,3ns pulse; Samrt Beam Laser) ○ 분석관: 비행시간형 질량분석기  ○ TOF/TOF를 이용한 high-energy MS/MS 가능 생의학오믹스연구팀
바이오 질량분석 시스템 (LC/ESI-MS, MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS) ○ Mass range m/z 30-3000   ○ Ion Source : Electrospray (HESI), APCI, Photospray    ○ Analyser : Quadrupole type    ○ Diode Array Detector   ○ High-Filed Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry(FAIMS) 서울센터
바이오-초고전압투과전자현미경 1.가속전압: 1,000 kV 2.Electron source: LaB6 filament 3.점분해능: 0.15 nm 4.격자분해능: 0.10 nm 5.STEM 분해능: 2.0 nm 6.확대배율: ×200 ~ ×1,200,000(TEM), ×20,000 ~ ×2,000,000 (STEM) 7.시료경사각: α = ±70°, β = ±30° 8.Pole piece gap: 16 mm 9.구면수차: 3.7 mm (at 1,000 kV) 10.색수차: 4.2 mm (at 300 kV) 11.작동온도범위: LN2 temperature(극저온) ~ room temperature(상온) 12.Special features:  (1) 인컬럼 Ω 에너지 필터 (2) 극저온전자현미경 기능 (3) STEM 전자토모그래피 기능 (4) 2 × anti-contamination device (fixed & retractable) (5) Automated aperture control 13.검출기: (1) 2,048 × 2,048 pixel CCD camera (Orius, GATAN) (2) 3,780 × 3,710 pixel DDD camera (K2 Base, Gatan) (3) Wide angle and monitor CCD (4) STEM detector 14.시료 holders: (1) Standard Double tilt holder (α = ±60°, β = ±30°) (2) Multi-specimen holder (up to 4 specimen load, α = ±60°) (3) Specimen rotation holder (α = ±70°, 180° in-plane rotation) (5) Cryo-specimen holder (LN2 temperature, α = ±60°) 15. 구동 프로그램: (1) TEM Center (2) TEMography package (3) ShotMeister (4) Digital Micrograph 전자현미경연구부
발광 형광 실험동물 이미징 시스템 ■Optical imaging equipment  ○ Sensor : 26x26mm의 CCD (-105℃ )  ○ Minimum resolution : 60㎛ (f/1)  ○ 측정효율 : >85% 500-700nm; 30%> 250-950nm  ○ 감지 가능한 최소 발광수 : 70 photons/s/cm2   ○ Fields of View : 3.9x3.9 cm to 26x26 cm (3.6 6.5 13 19.5 26cm)  ○ Stage 온도 : 최고 40℃  ○ Imaging chamber : 51 cm x 51 cm x 66cm (D x W x H)  ○ Fluorescence Lamp : 150W Quarts halogen 21V 3250 Kelvin  ○ Filter sets (GFP, DsRED, Cy5.5, ICG) 춘천센터
발현 분석 시스템 세포의 타입과 밀도에 상관없이, 티슈퀘스트 프로그램은특허화된 이미지 프로세싱 알고리즘을 통해 그들의 핵을 인식한다. 티슈팩스는 도립현미경을 기준으로 기능을 제공한다. 이러한 방법으로 정량적인 분석을 기존 슬라이드 뿐만 아니라 챔버 슬라이드, 웰 플레이트, 마이크로타이터 플레이트, 배양 플라스크에서도 수행가능하다. 본 시스템은 도립현미경 어플리케이션을 위해 선택적으로 업그레이드가 가능하다. 티슈팩스는 세포 아래의 단계에서도 마커 분포, 마커 위치와 분자적 수송 자세한 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 이러한 기능 덕분에 핵 사이의 위치에 관한 연구도 쉽게 분석이 가능하다.  생물재난연구팀
분자영상 단층촬영 융합이미징 시스템 ○Positron Emission Tomography - Bore size : 12 cm - Transaxial active Field of view (FOV) : 10 cm - Axial FOV 12.7 ? 30 cm (continuous bed motion) - Resolution at center of FOV : ≤ 1.4 mm  ○Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography - Number of detector heads : 2 - Detectable energy range : 30-300 keV - Maximum spatial resolution : ≤1 mm  ○Computed Tomography  - Number of detector pixels : 2048 x 3072   - Maximum FOV : 5.5 cm x 8.4 cm  - X-ray source voltage range : 35-80 kV - X-ray source maximum anode current : 500 μA - Maximum spacial resolution : 30 μm   단백질구조연구팀
비행시간차이차이온질량분석기 ○ Spectroscopy mode - Surface Spectroscopy provides detailed elemental and molecular information from the outer monolayers ○ Imaging mode  - For Surface Imaging a fine-focused primary ion beam scans the surface resulting in mass resolved secondary ion images (chemical maps)  - Video control for precise sample navigation  - Field of view from um<sup>2</sup> to cm<sup>2</sup> ○ Depth Profiling   - For Depth Profiling two ion beams (Cs, O<sub>2</sub>) and Gas(Ar) cluster source operate in the Dual Beam Mode. While the first beam is sputtering a crater, the second beam is progressively analysing the crater bottom ○ Detection of all elements and isotopes : H, H<sub>2</sub>,…○ High sensitivity : ppm ? ppb range ○ High lateral resolution<100 nm, high depth resolution<1 nm, high mass resolution>16,000, high mass range up to 10,000 amu ○ Parallel mass detection, quantification limited (requires standards) ○ Primary ion : Bi cluster LMIG (Bi<sup>+</sup>, Bi<sup>3+</sup>, Bi<sup>3++</sup>) 부산센터
사중극자 탄뎀질량분석기 시스템 ○주요 구성 - 이온화 소스 : nanoESI, ESI - 질량분석관 : Triple Quadrupole - 검출기 : EM detecter - 시료 주입 :nanoUPLC, syringe pump ○성능 - High sensitivity and resolution - m/z 30 to 1500 mass range with standard mass range electronic - assemblies installed - m/z 30 to 3000 mass range with extended mass range electronic - assemblies installed - H-ESI and APCI ionization modes - Positive and negative ion polarity modes - MS and MS/MS scan modes  - Full scan, SIM, SRM, and data dependent scan types 생의학오믹스연구팀
생물전용 투과전자현미경 ○ Accelerating voltage : 120 kV ○ Point resolution : 3.4 Å (Lattic Image : 2 Å)  ○ Spherical aberration coefficient (Cs) : 6.3 mm  ○ Chromatic aberration coefficient (Cc) : 5.0 mm  ○ Auxiliary devices : Cryo System, Tomography System, Top/Bottom CCD (1k/4k), GIF CCD (1k)  ○ Analyzing divisions : EELS, Electron Tomography, Cooling (LN<sub>2</sub>) experiment 전자현미경연구부
생체 공초점 레이저 주사 현미경 ○Laser Modules - Visible laser : 458, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm - UV laser : 405 nm - Multiphoton : Mai Tai eHP Deepsee (690-1040 nm) ○Detector - 34 channel spectral R/FL detector (32 channel GaAsP + 2 PMT) ○External Detector Module BIG - Filterset 2 blue-green 420-475 / 500-550 BIG - Filterset 4 green-red 500-550 / 575-620 BIG 춘천센터
생체고분자 크리스탈 X-선 회절장치 ○MicroMax-007HF X-ray Generator (X-선 발생장치) - Anode assembly : Cu target  - Electron gun : filament W - Focal spot on anode : 70um focal spot - Radiation enclosure ○R-AXIS IV++ Imaging Plate Detector  - Readout section with white imaging plate - Semiconductor laser source & luminescence detector - Erase & transport section ○CMF optics for MicroMax (Mirror) ○Liquid Nitrogen Generator (엑체질소 발생장치) ○Crystal Clear software (X-ray 회절 테스트 및 데이터 수집을 위한 프로그램) ○HKL2000 (데이터 프로세싱을 위한 프로그램) 단백질구조연구팀
생체고분자물질 분석시스템(아미노산조성분석기) ○아미노산 조성 분석 -HPLC pump : Agilent 1290 infinity binary pump (분석범위: 1200bar에서 최대 2mL/min, 800bar에서 최대 5mL/min) -HPLC injector : Agilent 1290 intinity Autosampler (분석범위: 0.1~40uL) -Variable Wavelength Detector : Agilent 1290 infinity DAD, 254nm -Column : Poroshell 120 SB-C18 3.0 X 100mm, 기본 아미노산 18종을 pmol 수준으로 분석한다 -Analysis program : Chem station-UV Detector: 노이즈 ±3uAU 미만의 고감도를 제공하며 2.1, 3.0, 4.6mm ID컬럼 사용 시 피크 확산 최소화 피크 적분의 신뢰성 및 견고성 증대  160Hz의 샘플링 속도로 다중 파장과 스펙트럼 전체 검출 가능  최적의 입사 광선 조건을 통해 감도, 직선성, 스펙트럼 분리능을 빠르게 최적화 서울센터
소동물용 단층촬영장치 1. In-Vivo micro-CT system        1 set   2. Beds for animal                1 set  3. Physiological monitoring system 1 set  4. Data Acquisition system 1 set  5. Anesthesia Module system       1 set   6. Software Package 1 set    (1) Acquisition software    (2) Reconstruction software    (3) Volume Rendering software    (4) 2D & 3D Analysis software  광주센터
수차보정 에너지여과 투과전자현미경 해상도  ○0.9Å with 2μm MC-slit at 200kV  ○1.4Å with 2μm MC-slit at 60kV 배율 최저 80배 ? 최대 630,000배  전자 광학 특성 ○전자총 : Schottky field emission type electron gun(ZrO/W emitter) ○가속전압 : 60 to 200 kV 분석 모드 ○HRTEM/STEM imaging ○EDS/EELS Chemical Analyses ○Crystal Orientation Mapping   전자현미경연구부
수퍼해상도 공초점현미경 ○ SP8 with gSTED(새로이 출시된 수퍼해상도 컨포컬 도립 현미경) ○ AFC(Adaptive Focus Control); 장시간 고배율 라이브셀 이미징을 위한 초점 홀딩 장치) ○ HyD detector 2개: 초고감도 이미징을 위한 하이브리드 타입 detector로서 적은 형광량의 시료도 효과적으로 이미징 할 수 있다. 기존PMT대비 2배 이상의 감도로서 라이브셀 이미징을 위한 detector ○ 5채널 스팩트럴 이미징 디텍터 (4 채널 형광 디텍터 + 1 채널 DIC 디텍터) ○ WLL(White Light Laser): supercontinum 방식의 470~670nm tunable laser 채용 ○ Tandem scanner: 일반컨포컬이미징을 위한 conventional scanner(7 f/s)와 라이브셀 컨포컬이미징을 위한 resonant scanner(40f/s) ○ Super Z galvo stage: 초정밀 z stacking을 위한 stage(최소 3 nm) ○ AOBS(Acoustic Optical Beam Splitter): 라이카만의 특허 장치로 필터가 아닌 크리스탈에 특정파장의 주파수를 걸어 반사시켜 빔 스플리팅 함. ○ 풀 옵션 소프트웨어 포함(오프라인 소프트웨어 + STED deconvolution 분석 소프트웨어 포함) 서울센터
시분해 발광분석 및 라만 분석 시스템 ■UV(325nm), Visible(514, 633nm), NIR(785nm) laser를 이용한 Raman shift measurement ○633nm laser(He-Ne) : detection range > 50 cm-1 (notch filter)  ○UV lasers(He-Cd) : datection range > 250 cm-1 (edge filter)  ○Resolution : < 0.5~ 2cm-1  ○Leica DMLM and Olympus microscopes allowing Confocal measurement   ○Micro Photoluminescence measurement 가능  ○Lase beam spot size: about 1-2 um  ○CCD detection range: 200 - 1050nm  ○Laser power control using neutral density filters: 0.00005 - 100%(1)   ○Stepped motor (~1um) for depth, line, and area mapping 광주센터
시분해 형광 공초점 현미경 ○ Excitation lasers : 375nm & 470nm (40MHz)  ○ Detection range : 400 ~ 850nm  ○ TCSPC time resolution : 4ps ○ IRF FWHM : 96ps at 470nm & 240ps at 375nm excitation  ○ Imaging area : 80um x 80um  ○ Confocal imaging resolution 180nm at 375nm excitation  ○ Objectives : 20x (NA 0.4), 40x (NA 0.65), 60x (NA 1.2), 100x (NA 1.4) 대구센터
시차주사열량계/열중량분석기 ○DSC- Type of DSC : Heat Flux DSC or power compensation Dual furnace- Temperature Range :  -150 ~700℃ - Sensor and furnace type : DSC sensor and furnace separation type - Sensor Material : Ceramic sensor - Thermocouple pile : 56-fold Au/AuPd thermocouple or more - Furnace Material : platinum - DSC sensitivity : < 0.18㎼ - Cooling options : LN<sub>2</sub> - Temperature accuracy : ±0.05℃ - Temperature Precision : ±0.008℃ - Calories accuracy  : ±0.2% - Calories Precision : ±0.03% - Heating and cooling rates : 0.01~ 750℃/min ○TGA - High temperature Temperature Range:  : 50 °C to 1500 °C - furnace Scanning Rates : 0.1 °C/minute to 50 °C/minute - Temperature Precision : ±5 °C - Sample mass range Up to 1300 mg - Balance Tare : Reproducible to ±2 μg  Sensitivity: 0.1 μg Accuracy: Better than 0.02%  Precision: 0.001% Capacity: 1300 mg 부산센터
실시간유전자증폭장치   광주센터
아미노산 조성 분석 시스템 ○ System Configuration  - HPLC System(Separation Module)      1) Solvent delivery pump      2) Autosampler     3) Automatic Seal Wash     4) Automatic Needle Wash      5) Column Heater     6) Sample Heater & Cooler     7) Solvent Bottle Tray     - UV/Visible Detector    - Fluorescence Detector       - Chromatography software    - System Suitability Software       생물재난연구팀
안정동위원소 질량분석기 ○Ion Source - 고온의 필라멘트에서 방출된 이온빔에 의한 시료(H<sub>2</sub>, CO<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, CO, N<sub>2</sub>O, SO<sub>2</sub>)의 이온화 - 최대 3kV 가속전압 ○Analyzer - Magnetic sector analyzer with adjustable magnetic intensity  ○Detector - Multiple Faraday cups with fixed resistance(Ω) ○진공시스템 - 로터리 및 터보 펌프 (최대 10<sup>-8</sup> mbar 진공유지) ○시료 전처리 및 주입 장치 - Dual inlets 또는 Continuous flow system (EA, GC, LC 등과 연결)  지구환경연구부
액체 크로마토그래피 탄뎀 질량분석기 ○ UPLC System ○ Detector : MS, MS/MS, UV-Vis(PDA) ○ Column Heater/Cooler(10 to 65°C in 0.1°C increments ) 부산센터
액체 크로마토그래피 텐덤 질량분석기 ○ High Definition Mass Spectrometry system - 8 KDa Quadrupole MS1 analyzer - Triwave - Trap IMS Transfer ○ Sample inlet system - ESI, APCI, APPI source ○ Liquid Chromatography System - nanoACQUITY UPLC  Operating Flow Rate Range : 200 nL/min to 5 uL/min without flow splitting  Maximum Operating Pressure : 10,000 psi without trapping, with trapping 10,000 psi - ACQUITY UPLC  Operating Flow Rate Range : 0.010 to 2.000 mL/min., in 0.001 mL increments.  Maximum Operating Pressure : 15,000 psi up to 1 mL/min., 9,000 psi up to 2 mL/min 생물재난연구팀
액체크로마토그래피 고분해능 탄댐 질량분석기  1. Q/TOF MS  - 작동방법 : TOF Mode and HDMS mode  - 분자량 정확성 : 1ppm over the range 150 - 900 m/z  - TOF MS 분해능 : 60,000 FWHM  - 측정 분자량 범위 : 20-100,000 m/z  2. UPLC  - 유속 0.01 to 2.000 mL/min,   - 최고 압력 : 18,000 psi   3. PDA 검출기 4. 형광 검출기 5. 데이터 분석 소프트웨어  - UNIFY,  Progenesis, Markerlynx 서울센터
액체크로마토그래피 질량분석기 ○UHPLC system - Binary gradient pump : 0.001 ~ 5 mL/min - Pressure range : up to 120 Mpa (1200 bar) - Injection vol. : 0.1~ 20 μL - Column temperature range : 10 ~ 100oC - Diode array detector : 190-640 nm○CE system - Programmable with ?100 to +100 mbar on inlet - Electrokinetic : ?30 to +30 kV - Detector: Real time DAD(190?600 nm) - Linear dynamic range: 1x104 ○Mass spectrometer - Quad: ~ 4,000  m/z (MS/MS)- TOF ~ 10,000 m/z (MS)- Mass Resolution : 40,000 @ 1,522 m/z- MS mode : 50 spectra/s- MS/MS mode : 30 spectra/s - Mass Accuracy : < 1 ppm (MS mode) - Dynamic Range : > 5 orders - Mass Sensitivity (MS/MS) : < 500 : 1 (1pg) 서울서부센터
에너지 분산형 X-선 형광분광기 ○ X-선 발생장치 : Rh target ○ High Voltage : 50 kV, 1 mA   ○ 검출기 : 반도체 검출기 (액체질소 사용하지 않음)  ○ 분해능 : 140 eV 이하 ○ X-ray counter : 100,000 cps 이상 부산센터
에너지여과 투과전자현미경(춘천센터) ○ In-column Energy Filter Transmission Electron Microscope with OMEGA-spectrometer system ○ Koehler illumination system ○ Resolution: 0.37nm(point), 0.20nm(line) / Energy resolution: 2.0eV(CCD), 8.0eV(Negative), 1.5eV(Spectrum) ○ Accelerating voltage: 60-120kV / Magnification: 80x-500,000x ○ Gun source: Tungsten and LaB6 emitter ○ Multiprocessor Multitasking operation system ○ High contrast imaging system ○ Digital imaging with high resolution Slow Scan CCD camera  춘천센터
연구용 휴먼 3 T MRI 시스템 ○ 능동차폐형 소형 3.0T 시스템- 자장 세기: 3.0 테슬라, 유형: 초전도- 규격 (길이 × 폭 × 높이): 157cm × 188cm × 265cm, 최대 관심 영상영역: 50cm- 경사자장 세기: x, y, z축에서 각각 최대 80mT/m, 슬루 레이트: 200T/m/sec, 최대 b값: 25,0001- 32채널 RF 수신기, 각 채널의 대역폭: 3MHz, 직접방식 디지털 광대역 수신기○ RF 코일 패키지- 직교형 몸통용 송/수신 코일, 직교형 두부용 송/수신 코일, - 32채널 두부용 SENSE 코일, 32채널 몸통용/심장용 SENSE 코일 - 33요소 두부 및 척추용 SENSE 코일, 16채널 몸통용 특대 SENSE 코일, 7채널 유방용 SENSE 코일 - 8채널 무릎용 SENSE 코일, 발목용 코일, 손목용 코일,  어깨용 코일, - 2채널 대형 신축성 SENSE 코일, 소형 신축성 SENSE 코일   생체영상연구팀
연구용 휴먼 7 T 자기공명영상 시스템 ○ 능동차폐형 7.0T 자기공명영상 시스템  - Strength: 7.0 Tesla   - Gradient system: amplitude 40mT/m each,  slew rate 200mT/m/sec, Max. b-value 10,000   - RF System: 8 transmit channels, Max. power  of 16kW(2kWx8) 1H amp, 32 receiver channels   - RF coil package (32 channel brain coil, QED  knee coil, wrist coil, P31/C13 double tuned)   - fMRI stimulation Device/Paradigm Generator 생체영상연구팀
연소형 이온크로마토그래피 시스템 ○ Reagent-Free Ion Chromatography System  ○ Conductivity Detector.  ○ Eluent Generator  ○ Combustion System  ○ Solid Autosampler 부산센터
열물성 측정장치(환경제어형 광범위 열전도율 측정기) ○LFA457/LFA467/GHP456/DSC214/TMA402 ○온도범위: -160℃ ~ 1100℃ ○열확산율: 0.01 ~ 1000 mm2/s ○열전도율: 0.001 ~ 2000 W/m-K ○열팽창율: ±2.5 mm ○열전도율 정확도: ±2% or better ○비열 정확도: ±2% or better 스핀공학물리연구팀
열분석기 시스템(부산센터) ○ Operating mode : DSC/DTA/TGA, TA Q600 ○ Resolution  - △T sensitivity: 0.001℃. - Balance sensitivity: 0.1μg.  - Baseline noise level: ± 2μW. - Calorimetric accuracy: ± 2%. - Calorimetric precision:± 2%. - Temperature accuracy: ± 1℃/min. - Temperature precision: ± 0.5℃/min. - Detection limit: 0.8mJ.  - Result expressions: either in ℃ or μV.  - Heating rate: 0.1 to 100℃/min.  - Sample capacity: 200mg - Purge gas rate: up to 1000 mLiter/min - Cooling down time: 880℃ to 50℃ in less than 30℃ min - Automatic temperature Calibration: up to 5 points - Furnace cooling: Automatic forced air cooling at the end of the experiment  - Mass flow controller with automatic gas switching (plug-in) - Auto-Stepwise TGA ○ Temperature range - Ambient to 880℃ 부산센터
열분해-기체크로마토그래프/질량분석기 ○Gas Chromatograph (Agilent, 6890N GC) - 7683B Autoinjector  - S/S Capillary inlet with EPC  ○Mass spectrometer (Agilent, 5975i MSD) - Source : inert EI - Mass range : 1.6 to 1050 amu - Scan rate : up to 10,000 amu/s - Scan speed : max. 6250 amu/sec - sensitivity : 100:1 S/N 1 pg OFN for EI scan - Library : Wiley library 390,000 spectra ○Pyrolyzer (Frontier Lab, PY-2020iD) - Double shot pyrolyzer : 40 - 800oC - Micro-Jet Cyro Trap - F-Search (EGA & Pyrogram polymer MS library) 서울서부센터
열이온화 질량분석기 ○ 20 sample ion source turret and plug in collimator ○ Peltier cooled amplifier housing with 1e11 Ohm resistor boards ○ Single, double or triple filaments ○ Positive(+) and negative (-) ion operation ○ 9 independently movable faraday collectors ○ Stainless steel source chamber ○ Peak Flat : better than ±1 part in 104 over 500 ppm of mass when measured on the Axial Faraday collector ○ Peak Side Stability : better than ±50 ppm over 30 minutes ○ Sensitivity : better than 1 in 500 for Sr ○ Noise : less than 2 x 10-16 amps RMS on 5 second integration ○ Abundance Sensitivity : better than 2 ppm at mass 237 with respect to the 238U peak ○ Precision (Internal / External) 1) Pb : 0.02 / 0.05 2) Sr : 0.001 / 0.002 3) Nd : 0.001 / 0.001 지구환경연구부
온라인 액체크로마토그래피-질량분석기-핵자기공명 분석기 연결 시스템 ○Online LC-MS-NMR System - 13C Enhanced Salt tolerant Cold Probe - 1H{13C/15N}with PGF ( 1H S/N: 4600:1, 13C S/N:  500:1) - LC-NMR(flow kit) Module( S/N ratio 256:1, Line shape(0.55%) 7.7Hz) - Integrated LC-NMR/MS ststem supporting flow and stop flow exp. - Ultra high throughput robotics system 서울서부센터
원소분석기 · 유기 및 무기물중 C. H. N. S. O의 함량 분석 · C. H. N. S 동시 분석 가능 : 15분 이내 · ultramicrobalance로 시료량을 1μg 까지 sampling 가능 · liquid sample handling kit로 volatile한 용액시료 분석 · autosampler로 50개 시료까지 자동분석 · 검출한계 : 100ppm. 질량분석장비개발팀
원소분석기(부산센터) ○ 유기 및 무기물중 C. H. N. S. O의 함량 분석  ○ C. H. N. S 동시 분석 가능 : 15분 이내   ○ O 분석 전용기 시스템 구축 ○ Ultramicrobalance로 시료량을 1μg 까지 sampling 가능  ○ Autosampler로 40개 이상 시료까지 자동분석 ○ 검출한계 : 0.1%  부산센터
원자간힘 현미경-라만 복합 분광기 ○Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) - Operation mode: contact and non-contact - Spatial resolution: 1.0nm(lateral) and 0.15nm(axial) - Full travel range: 100 microns(lateral) and 7 microns(axial) - Available pixels for the given travel range: <1024 (Max.) ○Raman Spectrometer (RS) - Operation mode: backscattering mode - Spatial resolution: ~321nm(lateral) using 473nm laser and 100x objective(NA=0.9) - Spectral resolution: ~2/cm using grating with 600 grooves/mm  - Available wavelengths of laser for excitation: 473nm, 633nm and 785nm - Available gratings: 150 grooves/mm, 600 grooves/mm and 1800 grooves/mm 스핀공학물리연구팀
원편광이색분광기 ○ Spectrometer - Light source : 150W air-cooled Xe lamp - Wavelength range : 163nm ~ 950nm - Temperature control system : 0∼95℃ - Automatic handler system - CD software : 단백질 이차구조 분석실험, 단백질구조연구팀
유도결합 플라스마 질량분석기 ○Source : Argon plasma ○Mass Range : 1~300 amu ○Mass Resolution : Variable from < 0.3 amu to > 1.0 amu or more ○Detection limit : Be(9) 0.5ppt, In(115) 0.1ppt, Bi(209) 0.1ppt or more○Scan speed (Li to U, Plus data collection at 40 intervening masses) : > 3000 amu/s or more 제주센터
유도결합 플라즈마 시스템 ○ ICP-AES : Echelle 분광기, 주원소 분석 ○ ICP-MS : Quadrupole mass filter, 미량원소 및 희토류 원소분석  ○ HR-ICP-MS : high resolution, 극미량원소 분석 ○ MC-ICP-MS : high resolution, multi-collector, 동위원소 비 측정 ○ LA-ICP-MS : Laser Ablation에 의한 비파괴 미량원소 분석  지구환경연구부
유도결합 플라즈마 원자 방출분광기 ○ Source :Argon Plasma (6000K) ○ Spectral range : 160 ∼ 800mm ○ Focal length : 1000mm ○ Resolution : 0.005nm in UV ○ RF frequency : 40.68 MHz ○ Output power : 2.3Kw ○ Hydride vapor generator : Hg, Sn, Se, Sb, Ge, As 분석 ○ HF kit ○ Auto sampler : 70개 시료 삽입 ○ Detection limit : 수 ppb ○ 수 ppb에서 수백 ppm의 범위에서 약 70여개의 원소를 5%의 오차내에서 측정이 가능 서울센터
유도결합 플라즈마 원자발광분광기 ○ RF Power Generator ○ Max. Power : 2.3 kW ○ Frequency : 40.66 MHz ○ RF Stability : 0.05 % ○ Sequential Monochorometer ○ Grating : Dual (4320 &1800 grs/mm) ○ Mounting type : Czerny turner ○ Wavelength : 150 to 800 nm ○ Working resolution : 0.006nm ○ Minimum Step size : 0.001nm ○ Focal length : 1.0 m ○ Media : gas purge ○ Internal Reference Monochrometer 광주센터
유도결합 플라즈마 질량분석기(서울센터) ○ Source: Argon plasma ○ Mass : Quadrupole (Binery gold metallized ceramic, producing hyperbolic field) ○ Sensitivity, MHz/ppm: <sup>24</sup>Mg >8, <sup>115</sup>In >40, <sup>238</sup>U >30 ○ Limit of detection(ppt) (3s , 3 second, 1 point): <sup>9</sup>Be < 6, <sup>59</sup>Co < 1, <sup>115</sup>In < 0.2, <sup>238</sup>U <0.2 ○ Background: Mass 220 < 2 cps ○ Dynamic concentration range: 8 orders of magnitude ○ Abundance sensitivity (at 23 Na) <1.0 x 10-6 low-mass side, <1.0 x 10-7 high-mass side ○ Mass range: 1-270amu ○ Scan speed: 2400 amu/s ○ Stability: short-term RSD 1-3%, Long-term (over 4hrs) RSD <4% ○ Isotope ratio precision <sup>107/109</sup>Ag<sup>+</sup>, 25 ㎍/L <0.08% ○ Oxide ions and doubly charged ions: CeO<sup>+</sup>/Ce<sup>+</sup><3%, sup>2+</sup>/Ba<sup>+</sup><3% ○ Quadrupole driving frequency: 3MHz ○ Ion optics: Single-cylinder lens (scanned synchronously with quadrupole field ○ vacuum level: 1x 10-6 Torr 서울센터
유도결합플라즈마 원자발광분광기 ○ Max,power : 2.0KW  ○ RF frequency : 27.12MHz  ○ Wavelength range : 174-800mm  ○ Detector : CID  ○ Ultrasonic Nebulizer (U-3000AT+)  ○ Microwave Digestion System 부산센터
이온 이동도 탄뎀 질량분석기 ○ MS type   :  Quadrupole Mobility-TOF  ○ The Triwave cell is the enabling technology ○ Mobility Functionality:  -  Separation of ion based on their mobility  (size, shape and charge)   -  Time Aligned Parallel (TAP) fragmentation   -  High duty cycle (HDC) for extended detection limits   -  Drift Time : 33 μs and 90 ms ○ MS Resolution  : -  >10,000 (bovine insulin m/z 956)(V Mode) -  >17,500 (bovine insulin m/z 956)(W Mode) ○ Sensitivity : 50 pg/μl leucine enkephalin (V Mode) 10 pg/μl leucine enkephalin (EDC) ○ Mass accuracy :  3 ppm   ○ Mass range    : 20-100,000 (V-mode)/20-26,500 (W-mode)-TOF mass range  20-16,000/20-32,000-quadrupole mass range ○ Acquistion Rate : maximum rate is 5 scans per second ○ Dynamic range : 3 ppm accurate mass for 10 seconds of data, at least 4 orders of magnitude. 서울센터
이차원 가스크로마토그래피/고분해능 질량분석 시스템 ○ GC/HRMS (Pegasus GC-HRT) - GC system : Agilent 7890 - Ionization mode : EI, CI - Mass range : 10∼1,500 - Mass resolution : 25,000 at 218.98 m/z - Spectral reporting rate : 1 to 200 spectra/sec - Ion detection mode : Positive - Mass accuracy : < 5 ppm ○ GCxGC-ECD/FID - Oven : Main oven for 1st column, secondary oven for 2nd column. - Detector : FID 또는 ECD 생의학오믹스연구팀
이차이온질량분석기 ○Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer 1. Primary Ion : Cs+, O2+, O- 2. Impact Energy  - Cs+/- : 5-20 keV   - O2+/- : 0.5-10 keV 3. Mass range: 1 to 360 amu (H~U) 4. Detection limits: ppb ~ ppm levels  5. Options: Post-Accel/Decel, Rotation stage 부산센터
일반성분분리분석 시스템 ○IC-3000 : System controller, Solvent delivery unit, Dual Pump, HPAE-PAD  AD4UV/VIS detector, Autosampler, System Software ○ARACUS : System controller, Solvent delivery unit, Pump, UV/VIS detector, Autosampler, System Software  ○KT8400/8460 : Autodigestor, Scrubber, Sampler, Analyzer  제주센터
입자 및 동공 크기 분석장치 ○Particle Size Analyzer  - Particle size range in diameter(측정가능 입자크기) : 0.003 to 6.5㎛  - Method : dynamic light scattering doppler shifts controlled referenced  - Sample volume : 2 - 5 mL  ○Surface Area Analyzer  - Surface area range : 0.0005 ㎡/g to 3000 ㎡/g  - 측정가능 Pore diameter : 0.35 to 300 ㎚  - Max. resolution : 0.000001mmHg or better - sample preparation temperature : up to 450℃  ○Pore Size Analyzer(Porosimeter)  - Pressure range : 0∼60,000 psi  - 측정가능 Pore size range : 0.003 to 360 μm in diameter  - Intrusion accuracy : 1% of intrusion volume - Intrusion resolution : 0.1 L/g 전주센터
자기장측정장치 시스템 ○1.7∼400 K variable temperature  ○(-5.5)∼(+5.5) Tesla variable magnetic field  ○detectable magnetization : 2emu∼1.12micro-emu(emu = Gauss/cm3) ○최소 온도 유지: 1.9K ○105emu에서 5emu 영역에서 16번의 측정반복 가능 ○DC 스캔 길이: 87mm 서울센터
자동등온적정열량계 ○ 최저 샘플 농도 : 0.6 nM ○ 반응시간 : 10 초 ○ user selectable response time (US Patent #5,967,659) ○ Cell의 샘플 양 및 모양 : 200㎕, coin-shaped, fixed-in-place ○ Cell의 재질 : Hastelloy? Alloy C-276  (Non-reactive Hastelloy? cells for excellent chemical resistance ) ○ Cell and syringe 세척 시간  - Cell water rinsing : 80 초  - Cell buffer rinsing : 1 분 - Syringe 세척 : 8 분 (with 물 혹은 메탄올) 7 분은 vacuum 건조 ○ 실린지 회전률 : 500~1500 RPM (user selectable) ○ 측정 가능한 결합력 정도 : 10² ~ 10¹² M?¹  ○ 노이즈 레벨 : 0.5 ncal/sec  ○ 샘플 분주: Standard 4 - 96 well plates format  ( higher capacity and loading ease)  * 5개의 30 mL 튜브로 샘플 주입 가능 단백질구조연구팀
자동생화학분석기 ○주요구성 - 메인장비: 생화학분석기 - 구성품: Segment, cuvette, disposable box, sDW container, waste container  ○주요성능 - 분석용량: 200 test/hour  - 분석범위: 340~800 nm   - 검체 설치수: 84검체 이상 - 시약 설치수: 35항목 이상  - 측정방법: End-point, 2-point, Kinetic 등   - 시약소모량: 2~240 ㎕/test(평균 150 ㎕)  ○검사가능 항목들 - 간기능검사, 신장기능검사, 지질기능검사, 당뇨병검사, 간질환검사, 활달검사 등   광주센터
잔류성유기오염물질분석 시스템 ○Gas Chromatograph (Agilent, 6890N GC)  - 6890 Autoinjector  ○Mass spectrometer (JMS-700D MStation) - High res. double focusing sector : MS - Ion source: EI - Resolution: >60.000(EI, 10%valley) - Mass range: 2,400 Dalton at maximum accelerating voltage  - OS : UNIX  - sensitivity: EI (GC-MS) mode : 30 pg, S/N 100 서울센터
전계방사 투과전자현미경 ■Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope ○ Point resolution : 0.24nm or better  ○ Lattice resolution : 0.1nm or better ○ Specimen tilting : ±30˚ / ±70˚ or higher ○ Spot Size (diameter)   TEM mode : 2 - 5 nm   EDS mode : 0.5 - 2.4 nm   NBD mode : 0.5 - 2.4 nm   CBD mode : 0.5 - 2.4 nm ○ Accelerating voltage : 200 kV 부산센터
전계방출 주사전자현미경 1. Electron Gun and Column System - Cold Field Emission Gun- Accelerating voltage : 0.5 to 30 keV 2. Spatial Resolution - 1.5 nm at 15 kV (W.D.= 12 mm) - 2.5 nm at 1 kV (W.D.= 12 mm) 3. Magnification - × 20 to × 500,000 4. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EMAX, Horiba) - detectable range :  4 Be ~ 92 U - Energy resolution : 133 eV 전주센터
전계방출 주사전자현미경  ■ Resolution   ○ 1.5nm guaranteed or better @ 15kVacc. & WD 12mm or longer   ○ 2.5nm guaranteed or better @ 1kVacc. & WD 12mm or longer   ■ Magnification : × 25 - × 500,000 or better   ■ Electron optics  ○ Electron gun : Schottky field emission type electron gun  ○ Accelerating voltage : 1 to 30 kV or better  ○ Max. probe current : Up to 100nA or better.   ○ Specimen size : 100mm dia. max.  ○ Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectromrter ○ Detectable range : 4Be -92U  ○ Resolution : 129 eV 광주센터
전계방출 주사전자현미경 ○ Electron Gun and Column System ○ Electron gun : Cold Emission Type  ○ Secondary electron image resolution : 1.5nm at 15kV and W.D. 12mm2.5nm at 1kV  ○ Magnification : x25 ~ x500,000 ○ Acclerating voltage : 0.5 to 30kV  ○ Spacimen size : 10mm dia.max ○ Data System ○ Operation : Pentium PC  ○ OS : Windows NT  ○ Image File Format : BMP, TIFF, JPEG  ○ Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer  ○ Detectable range : 5B - 92U  ○ Resolution : 137 eV  ○ Image and X-Ray mapping  ○ Backscatted Electron Detector : robinson type  ○ Cathodoluminescenie 서울센터
전계방출형 투과전자현미경 분해능 ○Point: 0.194 nm  ○Lattice 0.14 nm  배율 ○LOW MAG mode: 50× - 6,000×○MAG mode: 2000× - 1500,000× ○SA MAG mode: 8,000× - 800,000× 전자 광학계 ○전자총 : 쇼트키 전계방출형(ZrO/W emitter) ○가속전압 : 160kV, 200kV 시료기울기 - ±20°분석○고분해능 및 STEM 이미징○EDS/EELS 화학 조성 분석○결정 상 및 방위 분석  전자현미경연구부
전계방출형 투과전자현미경 ○polepiece type: HR ○point resolution: 0.23nm ○lattice resolution: 0.1nm  ○STEM image resolution: 0.2nm ○Acc. Voltage: 160kV, 200kV ○Electron source: ZrO/W(100) Schottky ○Brightness: ?4X108A/Cm2/sr ○Magnification: -TEM mode: X50 to X1.5M -STEM mode: X20k to 150M ○Spot size:  -TEM mode: 2 to 5nm -NBD mode:  0.2 to 2.4nm ○Specimen tilt angle: ±25 (α/β) ○Specimen shift: 2mm(X/Y), ±0.1mm (Z) ○Convergence angle: 1.5 to 20mrad ○Acceptance angle: ±10° 춘천센터
전계방출형 투과전자현미경(200KV) ○ 가속전압 : 200KV○ 분해능 (point) : 0.25nm○ 배율(TEM) : 1,200K○ 시편경사각 :±30°/±42°○ 검출장치 : CCD, STEM(BF,HAADF), EDS○ 시편지지 장치 : Single tilt holder,  Double tilt holder, High Temp Holder, Cryo-Holder,Tomography 대구센터
전계방출형 투과전자현미경(서울센터) ○ Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope ○ Resolution - 0.23 nm guaranteed or better @ 300kVacc(TEM) - 0.20 nm guaranteed or better @ 300kVacc(SEM) ○ Magnification : × 50 ~ × 1,000,000 ○ Electron optics - Electron gun : Field Emission (ZrO2-W emitter) - Accelerating voltage : 100kV to 300 kV ○ 시료의 미세구조영상, 성분영상, 회절패턴, 정성분석, 정량분석이 가능함 서울센터
전계방출형 투과전자현미경(전주센터) ○ 가속접압 : 80 - 200 keV ○ 격자 분해능 : 0.1 nm ○ 에너지 분해능 : 0.8 eV (Zero loss FWHM) ○ 시편 기울기 : 45° (Tomography : 75° )  전주센터
전자상자기공명 ○microwave frequency : 9.3GHz-9.9 GHz  ○Max Magnet Field strength : 6.5 kG ○Helium Temperature control system (3.8 K ~300 K) ○Dual mode resonator 서울서부센터
전자현미분석기 ○분석 장치 : 4채널 (채널 당 분석결정 2개씩 장착)에 WDS와 1개의 EDS ○가속전압 및 전류 (max) : 30kV, 100??A ○전자 방출원 : W(텅스텐) ○탈출각 : 52.5도 ○관찰영상 : SEI, BSEI, ABSI, X선영상 (x100-x100,000) 및 광학영상(x400) ○정성 및 정량 화학분석 범위 : Be~U ○측정하한 : 100ppm (15kv, 20nA) ○정밀도 : 0.5% 전자현미경연구부
전자현미분석시스템 ○ 5 channels WDS and EDS  ○ Accelerating Voltage and Current (max.) : 30 KeV, 1 ㎂ ○ Qualitative and Quantitative analysis from B to U  ○ Detection Limit : 10 ppm under normal condition (15KeV, 20nA)  ○ Recording Image : SEI, BSEI and X-ray image (×100 - ×50,000), Optical  ○ Line Profile of X-ray and Mapping  전주센터
전채널 스펙트럼 레이저 공초점 주사 현미경 시스템 ○ All channel filter-free spectrum system ○ Tandem Scanner : High Resolution + High Speed - K scanner : High Resolution(maximum 64Mb high pixel imaging) - Resonant scanner : High Speed (25 frames/sec at 512x512 pixels, 250 frmae/sec at 512x16 pixel) ○ 9 laser line use of 5 laser system - Laser 405nm for Deep blue excitation, Ar Laser 100mW (405/458/476/488/496nm), DPSS 10mW 561nm - HeNe 2mW 594nm, HeNe 10mW 633nm  ○ 4 Channel Spectral Detector - free and eas bandwidth setup between 400nm - 800nm spectral range - Easy bandwidth change during scanning and easy cross-talk free optical imaging ○ Environmental chamber for live cell imaging ○ AOBS(Acousto-Optic Beam Splitter) based system ○ HyD Detector - Double scan speed , high signal to noise and decrease photobleaching according to high quantum efficiency - Image bright and dim structures simultaneously ○ Imaris Software for confocal data processing 광주센터
주사전자현미경 시스템 ■Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope ○Resolution  - 1.0nm @ 15kVacc. & WD 4mm  - 2.0nm @ 1kVacc. & WD 5mm  ○Magnification × 30 - × 800,000  ○Electron optics  - Electron gun : cold field emission type electron gun - Accelerating voltage : 0.5 to 30 kV or better ○시료의 표면, 단면, 나노스케일의 입자크기 분석 등을 고분해능(1.0nm @ 15kV)의 SE 이미지 분석을 수행한다. EDS를 이용한 화학분석  ○이미지분석, 화학분석, 구조분석이 시료의 같은 지점에서 동시에 분석가능하다. 대구센터
주사형 원자력 현미경(전주센터) ○Atomic Force Microscope system  ○Resolution - Vertical resolution : 0.1 Å - Lateral resolution : 2 Å  ○Analysis mode - Contact/tapping mode - LFM/Phase imaging, EFM/MFM - Conductive AFM(cAFM), Surface potential mapping(KFM) - Peakforce TUNA ○Vibration isolation table with acoustic enclosure and active anti-vibration  전주센터
진동 시편 자력계 ○SQUID - VSM○주요 구성- Temperature Range : 1.8K ∼ 400 K (800 K - Oven)- Magnetization Sensitivity : 10-9 emu- Frequency Range : DC ~ 104 Hz- Magnet: ±7 Tesla Longitudinal Field- Magnet Type: NbTi/Nb3Sn hybrid - Field Resolution: 0.03 mT- Field Homogeneity: 0.1% over 1 cm DSV- Slew Rate: 0.05?21mT/sec. (typical) 스핀공학물리연구팀
집속이온빔 시스템 FE-SEM Column. 200V-30KV. 1.0nm @30kv - Ga Ion Columa    . 500v-30kv    . 1.5pA-65nA Current - Sample stage - Vacuum Chamber - Detector  . In lens BSE,SE   . SED, BSE,CCD   . EDS - Control sustem & software 대구센터
집속이온빔 장치 ○Electron optics - Electron Beam Resolution(SEM or STEM mode)- 1.0nm at 30 kV SE resolution or better   - 2.9nm at  1 kV SE resolution or better - 0.8nm at 30 kV STEM resolution or better - Ion beam resolution(FIB mode)- 5 nm at 30 kV or better - Accelerating voltage: 100 V to 30 kV or better - Magnification: 30x to 1000Kx or better - Schottky thermal field emitter and available unicolor optics. - Acceleration voltage: 1.0 to 30 kV or better ○3D EDS System - Active area : 50mm2 or better - Energy resolution : ≤ 123eV, stable energy resolution at Mn ○Cryo-FIB fabrication System  광주센터
집속이온빔(서울센터) ○ Focused Ion Beam  ○ Resolution - 3.5nm guaranteed or better @ 30kVacc(SEM)  - 15nm guaranteed or better @ 30kVacc(FIB) ○ Magnification : × 20 ~ × 1,500,000 ○ Electron optics - Electron gun : Thermal (W emitter)  - Accelerating voltage : 5kV to 30 kV ○ Ion optics  - Ion gun : Ga ion - Accelerating voltage : 5kV to 30 kV ○ ~100nm 내외의 나노가공, 패터닝, TEM 시편제작이 가능 서울센터
집속이온빔을 이용한 시편제작장비 ○Electron optics   * Accelerating voltage : 200V ~ 30kV ○Electron beam resolution   * High-vacuum  1.5 nm at 30kV (SE)  0.8nm at 30kV (STEM)  1.2nm at 30kV  (SE) 2.5nm at 3kV (BSE) ○Ion optic    * High-current ion column with Ga liquid-metal ion source   * Accelerating voltage : 2kV ~ 30kV   * Probe current : 1pA ~ 65nA in 15steps  ○Ion beam  resolution   * 7 nm at 30kV   ○Accessories   * EDS    * GIS : Pt   * Auto-FIB functionality for multi-site sample preparation    * Auto-Slice and View automation software    전자현미경연구부
차세대 광전자 분광분석기 ○Photon source : Monochromatic Al-Ka (1486.6 eV) for XPS, He I (21.2 eV) for UPS ○Energy Resolution : Ag 3d5/2 <0.48 eV for XPS, 100 meV for UPS ○Fast parallel XPS/UPS imaging resolution with snapshot mode : <3um ("Real time" chemical state mapping) ○Full charge compensation system capable of analyzing insulators and poor conducting materials such as both ○polymeric devices and relevant bio samples. ○High speed depth profiling with the wide energy range ion gun (100eV~4keV) ○100 channel pulse counting detector  -. Fully automatic large sample(3") loading and handing (only AXIS-NOVA)  -. Heating and cooling manipulator (-150 ~ 600 degree) (only Ultra-DLD)  -. Polyatomic ion source to avoid surface damage (only Ultra-DLD) 나노표면연구팀
초고분석능 전계방출 주사전자현미경 ○ Resolution: 0.8 nm at 15kV, 1.4 nm at 1kV, 0.6 nm at 30 kV(STEM mode)  ○ Acceleration Voltage:0.02 ~ 30kV  ○ Probe Current: 10pA~300nA  ○ Magnification: 12~2,000,000x  ○ Detectors: Inlens, SE2, EsB, AsB, STEM, EDS, EBSD, FSE, TKD   ○ Insitu RF Plasma Cleaner  ○ Insitu Charge Compensator(N<sub>2</sub>) & Cleaner(O<sub>2</sub>)  ○ EDS (Bruker, Energy Resolution < 126 eV, Active Window 60mm2, Detection, Range:Be(4)~Am(95))  ○ EBSD (Bruker, High Resolution EBSD, 1600x1200 pixel resolution, Detector in-situ tilt: ±4.5 degree, ARGUS system(BSE, FSE), Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction(TKD) ○Nanomaterial Analysis  ○ EDS & EBSD 동시분석 및 Phase Identification  ○ Temperature Control Ion Miller for SEM & EBSD sample preparation(Gatan Illion II) 전자현미경연구부
초고분해능 이차이온질량분석기 ○ 국내 최초 고분해능 이차이온 질량분석기 ○ 50% 투과율과 10,000 질량분해능으로 1 ppm 검출한계  ○ 동위원소 동시분석이 가능한 다중검출기? ○ 안정동위원소 분석을 위한 낮은 배경값의 패러데이 검출기 등 지구환경연구부
초고분해능 주사전자현미경 1. Electron Gun and Column System - In-lens type - Cold Field Emission Gun - Accelerating voltage : 0.5 to 30 keV  2. Spatial resolution - 0.4 nm at 30 keV (SE) and  1.6 nm at 1 keV (SE) - 0.5 nm at 30 keV (TE) 3. Magnification - x60 ~ x2,000,000 4. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EMAX, Horiba) - Detectable range : 4 Be ~ 92 U - Resolution : 136 eV  전주센터
초고분해능 현미경 시스템 ○ ELYRA P.1 microscope system with 4 laser lines for Photoactivated Localization Microscopy - 405nm laser(50mW), 488nm laser(100mW), 561nm laser(100mW), 642nm Diode laser(100mW)  ○ Epi-fluorescence equipment - Axio  Observer for superresolution microscopy - Filter set 77 HE GFP/mRFP/Alexa 633 - Fl Illumination System X-Cite 120 XL FL PC; 1.5m Liquid - Objective alpha "Plan-Apochromat" 100x/1.46 Oil DIC - Objective alpha "Plan-Apochromat" 100x/1.57 Oil HI DIC ○ ELYRA P.1 - Illumination module PAL-M, ECU-table housing, Laser module for superresolution - Beam modulation for VIS laser module, TIRF adjustment aid for Camera Adapter 1x with filter slide - Andor EM-CCD camera iXon DU 897 for PAL-Microscopy, Z-Piezo insert with controller for XY scanning stages - Stae insert for 3"x1" slides for Z-Piezo stage, Stage insert for petri dishes 36mm for Z-Piezo stage 광주센터
초고속 Q-TOF 질량분석기 ■초고속 Q-TOF 질량분석기 ○ 주요구성 - 질량분석관 : Time-of-flight - 조각이온화 방식 : Collision Induced Dissociation (CID),  - nano LC 연결 또는 주사기 주입방식, nanomate ○ 성능  - 분자측정범위 : 100~4000m/z - 분해능 : MS> 25,000, MS/MS > 15,000 - MS/MS 스캔스피드 : 10msec - Data dependent analysis, data independent analysis(MS/MSAll 가능 (SWATH 분석)) 생의학오믹스연구팀
초고속 유세포 자동 분리 시스템 터치 스크린 및 컴퓨터와 상호작용하여 작동시킬 수 있으며 최대 7개의 레이저를 장착하여 분석에 사용할 수 있다 .유액 상태의 시료는 sheath라고 불리는 버퍼에 감싸져 분석되며 이렇게 분석된 세포나 입자는 전기적 인력 또는 척력에 따라 분리가 된다. 본장비는 기존의 장비보다 더욱 간단하며 실험에 최적화되어있다. 질환표적기능연구팀
초고전압 투과전자현미경 ○HVEM main body (가속전압 : 1250KV) ○에너지여과장치: HV-GIF ○기록장치 : SP-US1000HV CCD, Bottom CCD, Side CCD ○Multi-functional Specimen Holders ○In-situ 실험장치 (고온 및 저온) ○분해능 : 0.12 nm ○시료기울기 : α = ± 60도, β = ± 45도,  전자현미경연구부
초미세 이차이온질량분석기 ○ Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer 1. Primary Ion : Cs<sup>+</sup>, O<sup>2+</sup>, O<sup>-</sup> 2. Small beam of primary ion  - Cs<sup>+</sup> : 50 nm  - O<sup>-</sup> : 200 nm  3. Mass range: 1 to 360 amu (H~U) 4. Detection limits: ppb ~ ppm levels  5. Option: Five masses parallel detection 부산센터
초임계유체크로마토그래피 시스템 ○ Analytic SFC system - Ability to separate a substance on five different columns simultaneously - CO<sub>2</sub> Pump max 10mL/min flow rate  - Co<sup>-</sup>solvent pump max 10mL/min flow rate    - Automatic injection > 100 vial auto-sampler in addition to the manual injection  - DAD Detector with high pressure flow cell   - Method development software for system control and processing data acquisitio  - 5μm 4.6 x 250mm size columns (CCA CCO CCJ CCS IA IC) o Preparative SFC system  - Production capacity : 10g/day  - CO<sub>2</sub> pumping unit of 100 mL/min max flow rate - Co<sup>-</sup>solvent pumping unit of 50mL/min - Variable wave length UV/VIS Detector - Purity higher than 98% with high recovery yield On-line recycling of CO<sub>2</sub> in the process. - 5μm 20 x 250mm size columns 서울센터
초정밀 가공시스템 ○The Freeform Generator machine consists of the followings. - Base Machine (with X, Y & Z-axis), rotary(B-Axis), and combination work holding spindle and rotary(C-Axis) - Position feedback resolution 4.3nm and maximum feedrate of 3000 mm/min - On-Machine metrology for 2 axis part compensation and collection of data points for multi axis rreeform type Parts  광분석장비개발팀
크로마토그래피 시스템 ○ HP 1100 model / HPLC System   1. Quatenary Pump   2. Thermostatted autosampler    3. Diode-arry detector    4. Fluorescense detector    5. Column oven  ○ Waters/Prep-HPLC Delta Prep 4000(large-scale purification system)   1. Waters TM 486 Tunable Absorbance Detector (190 ~ 600nm)     2. Waters Fraction collector    3. Waters 746 Data Module  ○ 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis   1. Ettan IPGphor   2. Ettan Dalt II system    3. Semiphor transphor unit    4. Gel scanner and Progenesis (gel image analysis) 서울센터
탄수화물 분석 장비 ○ Composition - Bio-LC system     LOD: 1 pmol for glucose   - Eluent Degas Module (EDG) - GP 50 Gradient pump (GP50) - Pulsed Electrochemical Detector (ED50) - AS50 Thermal compartment - AS50 Autosampler (AS50) 생물재난연구팀
투과전자현미경(125kV) ■Transmission Electron Microscope○Resolution - .204nm(lattice image), 0.45(particle image) ification × 50 - × 600,000 ○Electron optics - Electron gun :  Tungsten filament - Accelerating voltage : 125kV  대구센터
파장분산형 X-선 형광분광기 ○Generator power/Tube Max. power : 4kW, 60kV, 170mA ○X-ray tube window thickness : Be window 75 ㎛ ○X-ray tube type : End-window type Rh target ○Irradiation type : top or bottom irradiation ○Analyzing crystal  (1) K ~ U : LIF(200) crystal  (2) V ~ U : LiF(220) crystal  (3) P ~ Cl : Ge crystal (4) Al ~ K : PET crystal  (5) C ~ Mg : XS-55 crystal ○Goniometer (1) Angular reproducibility : 0.0001°  (2) Slew speed : 1000°/min ○Detector(1) Flow counter : 4Be ~ 29Cu (2) Scintillation counter : 21Sc ~ 92U 대구센터
펨토초 다차원 레이저 분광 시스템 ○ 펨토초 레이저 광원부 - Regenerative amplifier: 1 kHz, 3.5 mJ/pulse, ~50 fs - 광 파라메트릭 증폭기 (OPA): 가변파장대역 240nm~2600nm, 펄스폭 <100fs  ○ 광학 펄스 시퀀스 제어부 - programmable acousto-optic pulse shaping, - 광학 펄스 제어 속도1kHz,  - Instantaneous bandwidth 440 nm,  - Spectral resolution 0.2 nm (at 530 nm)  - 최대 펄스 지연 시간 8 ps for coherence time (pulse1-pulse2), 1.66 ns for waiting time (pulse2-pulse3)  ○ 검출부  - 1kHz synchronized CCD 분광 검출계 - Lock in-amplifier 검출계 서울센터
퓨리에변환 자외선-가시광선-적외선 분광 영상 현미경 ■FT-UV-VIS-IR Spectrometer (VERTEX 80)○Spectral ranges: 50,000 to 350cm-1 ○Resolution: Better than 0.06cm-1○Wavenumber: Better than 0.01cm-1○Photometric accuracy: 0.1% T■Chemical Image Microscope (HYPERION 3000)○ Spectral range : 33,000-600cm-1 ○ Measurement spot size : 7㎛ ○ Adjustment accuracy : -/+1㎛○ High power illumination : Up to 100W○ 20x ATR (Ge) objective○ 64x64 pixels (4096 pixels) 대구센터
하이브리드 FT-ETD 질량분석기 ■하이브리트 FT-ETD 질량분석기 ○ 주요구성  - 질량분석관 : LTQ-Orbitrap - 이온화 방식 : Collision Induced Dissociation (CID), Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD), High energy Collision Dissociation (HCD) - nano LC 연결 또는 주사기 주입방식  ○성능  - 분자측정범위 : 100~4000m/z  - 분해능 > 240,000 FWHM  - MSn 스캔성능 : MS/MS.....MS10 생의학오믹스연구팀
현미 화상 분석 시스템 ○ Lasers  1. Multi-Argon laser 458/488/514 nm-적용가능 형광물질: CFP, GFP, FITC, Alexa 488, Cy2, YFP, Fluo-3…  2. UV Diode 405nm-적용가능 형광물질: DAPI, Hoechest, BFP, PA-GFP, KAEDE…  3. HeNe laser 543nm-적용가능 형광물질 : Rhodamine, Cy3, Alexa 546, Texas Red, RFP, DsRed…  4. HeNe laser 633nm-적용가능 형광물질: Cy5, Alexa 633…○ PMT detector for fluorescence and transmitted/DIC light ○ Transmitted light and X-Cite fluorescence Illuminator. ○ Two galvanometric scanning confocal heads (for DIC/Phase Contrast and Fluorescence imaging). ○ Motorized stage 130x85 for x,y,z movement. ○ Master pinhole.  ○ Optics: EC Plan-Neofluar 10x/0.30 WD=5.2, Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.8 WD=0.55; Plan-Apochromat 40x/0.95 Corr WD=0.25; EC Plan-Neofluar 40x/1.3 DIC WD=0.21; Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.40 Oil DIC, 100x/1.4 oil Plan-Apochromat DIC ○ AxioCam MRm Rev.3 camera for regular transmitted/fluorescence widefield imaging. ○ Definite Focus system for longer term live cells imaging. ○ Anti-vibration table. ○ Zeiss ZEN 2009 software. 질환표적기능연구팀
환경방사능측정 시스템 ○ 감마선검색기 :  1. 시료 자동교환형, n-type 60% HPGe gamma-ray detector   2. 우물형, 35% p-type HPGe gamma-ray detector, 16mm dia   3. 확장형, 50% BEGe detector, 원반형 detector   4. Extra-Low-Background Detector & Cryostat 5. inch low-background Lead Shield   6. Spectrum analysis Software and Data Analysis System ○ 베타선검색기 : Quantalus 1220 LSC 2대  1. Low noise two PMTs detector with active and passive shield  2. Cooling system with no noise chiller for temperature stability of the instrument interior  3. Pulse shape analysis function for α/β separation.  4. Extreme low level background (1) H-3 Performance : 8 mL water at 20 mL Teflon vial  Background : less than 0.5 CPM, E2/B : 1800 or more  (2) C-14 Performance : in benzene, Teflon vial + butyl-PBD in 15 mL vial : Background : less than 0.8 CPM, E2/B : 5000 or more (3) Alpha particle counting performance : Background : less than 0.05CPM,  Efficiency : 95% or more   5. Data processing system and Software ○ 알파선검색기 : 12 Channel  ○ 방사능 가스비례계수기 : 2대 S5XLB and LB4200  1. Sequential or 8 channel gas proportional counter  2. 2.25 inch gas flow detectors  3. Background : Alpha : ≤ 0.1cpm, Beta : ≤ 0.9cpm  4. Spillover : < 1.0% Alpha into Beta 5.  Sample count rate : 500,000cpm with ≤ 1.5% deadtime loss 6. Efficiency : Alpha(Po-210) : ≥ 38%, Beta(Sr-90/Y-90) : ≥ 45%  7. Plateau : Alpha(Po-210) : < 2.5% slope per 100V (>800V plateau) : Beta(Sr-90): < 2.5% slope per 100V(>200V plateau) 지구환경연구부