[생활정보] 영어 운전면허 용어 해설집

Posted in 생활정보 // Posted at 2016. 5. 16. 16:45

영어 운전면허 용어 해설집

외국인 운전면허시험 응시자를 위한 도로교통 및 운전에 대한 용어 해설집

Road edge The edge of a road where the footpath and vehicle road are not distinguished. Its boundary is marked by a safety sign for pedestrian safety
Motorcycle A two-wheeled vehicle with a seating capacity of one to two persons or a two-wheeled vehicle with an attached side car
Two-way thoroughfare The opposite of one-way thoroughfare
Acceleration lane A lane in which vehicles can reach a sufficient speed before merging with other vehicle in a main lane
Line of sight A distance visible to the driver
Visible ray penetration rate The amount of visible rays entering a vehicle through tinted glass surfaces
Side road A road at the edge of a highway or vehicles-only road where vehicles can travel 
Railway crossing An intersection where a railway and road meet
Construction Machinery Management Act A law regulating the registration, inspection, and approval of construction machinery to promote the use of machinery in the construction industry
Construction machinery operator's license A license required to operate construction machinery
Caution sign A variety of signs used to alert the driver on present and potential dangers on roads
Light bar A green or yellow warning light installed on emergency vehicles
Alarm A device that warns of accidents and disasters
Horn A warning sounding device installed on vehicles
Economic speed A speed that allows for a maximum travel distance at a lowest level of fuel consumption
Highway A road for vehicles traveling at high speeds
Breakdown warning sign A sign that warns of a broken down vehicle ahead
Air pressure The pressure of air in a vehicle's tires
Free running distance The distance from when the driver step on the brake pedal after detecting danger to when the brakes actually function
Idling The state of a vehicle not moving with its engine running
Speed bump A bump installed on roads to force vehicles to slow down
Penalty fee A payment an individual is forced to make for the neglect of responsibilities enforced by public law
Intersection An area where roads intersect and where collisions can occur
Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents A law that regulates special cases of criminal punishment of drivers who cause traffic accidents through negligence of varying degrees
Custody Incarceration of an offender in a penitentiary or detention cell for 1 to 30 days
Aid Emergency aid provided to victims of traffic accidents
International driver's license A system of qualification that enables a driver to operate a vehicle outside of his country of residence
Articulated bus A bus that is longer than normal buses and made up of two rigid compartments linked by a pivoting joint for a larger seating capacity and ease of turns at intersections
Sudden acceleration The act of suddenly increasing speed
Sudden braking The act of suddenly applying the brakes
Sudden steering The act of suddenly turning the steering wheel
Emergency vehicle Vehicles operated for emergency response as defined by the Road Traffic Act, i.e. ambulance, firetruck, police car
GPS A device or program that assists with driving by displaying a map showing the quickest ways
Cooling water Water used to cool down a heated engine
Nose up The phenomenon of a vehicle's front lifting up due to a shift in weight balance (nose down: the phenomenon of a vehicle's rear lifting up due to braking force)
Silver zone A zone designated for the protection of elderly pedestrians
No-parking zone An area where no parking is allowed
Vehicle height limit A maximum vehicle/cargo height allowed for thoroughfare at a given location
Large vehicle license A license that allows you to drive a passenger van or freight vehicle. A special driver's license must be acquired to drive trailers and towing vehicles.
Road Collectively refers to road vehicles and footpaths
Road Traffic Act A law enacted to achieve traffic safety and efficiency through the control of safety hazards and inefficiencies on roads
Road driving test The test of a driver's road-driving ability
Road-crossing facility A facility such as a pedestrian crossing or overpass that allows a pedestrian to cross a road
Dilemma zone An instance where both driving through and stopping at an intersection with yellow lights is difficult 
Towing vehicle A vehicle for providing aid
Limit of wear A maximum level of wear a tire can endure before requiring replacement
Illegal crossing The act of crossing a road without using a road-crossing facility
Taillights The lights at the rear of a vehicle
Bouncing The phenomenon of a vehicle bouncing when driving in poor road conditions
Defensive driving A method of driving to prevent traffic accidents
Turn signal A flasher that indicates the direction a vehicle will move in
Bus-only lane A lane reserved for buses on major highways
Number plate light A light that illuminates the number plate of a vehicle
Fine A mandatory payment imposed on an offender
Negligence fine A fine imposed on an individual who violates the Road Traffic Act
National speed limit A speed limit set by the law
Bottleneck zone A narrowing area of a road
Footpath A road reserved for pedestrians
General driver's license A driver's license issued in accordance with the Road Traffic Act
Walking lane Same as a foot path
Pedestrians-only road A road reserved for pedestrians
Anti-freeze An additive that reduces the temperature at which a liquid freezes
Black box A dashboard-mounted recording device
Unprotected left turn A left turn that can be made at an intersection without a left-run signal when the traffic lights greenlight straight thoroughfare
Emergency lights A light used to warn others of an emergency
Emergency flashers Both turn signals switched on to indicate an emergency
Blind spot An angle at which a driver's field of vision required to discern vehicles, lanes, or obstacles is hindered
Siren A red light installed on the roof of a vehicle to indicate an emergency
Manual-transmission vehicle A vehicle equipped with a transmission that requires the driver to shift gears manually at different speeds
Hydroplaning The phenomenon of a traveling vehicle's tires losing traction due to a water film that occurs between the tires and road surface
Hand signal Signaling with the hand or a signal bar
Stop line zone An area with a stop line
Speed zone An area where speeding is allowed
Spin The phenomenon of a vehicle's wheels spinning without achieving traction due to snow or a bog
Passenger vehicle A vehicle with a seating capacity of 6 or less
Seating capacity The maximum number of seated passengers a vehicle can carry with each seat being 40 cm x 40 cm in size and not intruded by any objects
Passenger van A vehicle designed to carry cargo or a large number of passengers
Traffic lights A traffic control device that displays different colors to guide vehicles and pedestrians 
Fog lights Lights installed below a vehicle's headlights to further enhance visibility in snow, rain, or fog
Safe distance A distance that must be maintained between traveling vehicles to prevent traffic accidents
Safety zone A part of a road designated by a road surface marking or safety sign for pedestrian use only 
Safety sign Any of a wide range of signs featuring various colors, shapes, diagrams, signs, and text for traffic control and safety purposes
Darkness A level of darkness
Overtaking The act of overtaking another vehicle traveling ahead on its side
Yield sign A traffic safety sign
Left or right thoroughfare sign  A sign that indicates that a lane that divides into two around a traffic island
School zone An area usually in the vicinity of a kindergarten or school designated for the protection of children
Airbag A device designed to protect the passengers of a vehicle involved in a collision
Drive against traffic The act of driving against the flow of traffic
Curb A stone boundary installed near footpaths and vehicle roads for pedestrian safety, drainage, driver guidance, road/footpath distinction, and road maintenance
Learner driver's license A driver's license issued temporarily to an individual who passes a driving-course test ahead of a road-driving test
Priority road (through street) A road on which grade crossing and entering/exiting from and to roadsides is allowed, but structured and traffic-controlled to prevent hindrance to a main line of traffic flow

Right-merge road A sign that indicates a right lane that will soon merge with a main road
Right turn A turn to the right
Driver insurance An insurance that makes compensations for injuries or deaths experienced by the driver or passenger of a vehicle 
Tachometer A device that records a vehicle's traveled distance
Motorized bicycle A bicycle equipped with a small engine (displacement of 50cc or less) 
Drunk driving Driving while under the influence of alcohol
Motorcycle A two-wheeled vehicle with an engine displacement of 125cc or less that is not a large or small special vehicle
Two-lane road A road installed in residential areas with a width of 9 m or less 
Poor weather conditions Collectively refers to floods, droughts, and intense heat or cold caused by atmospheric conditions
Stop The act of bringing a vehicle to a complete stop
Automatic-transmission vehicle A vehicle with a transmission that shifts gears automatically according to vehicle speed or engine RPM
Automobile Management Act A law that regulates vehicle registrations, safety standards, driver verifications, defect corrections, vehicle maintenance activities, and vehicle service business
Vehicles-only road A road in which only motor vehicles are allowed to travel
Driving course test A test of driving ability conducted on the driving course of a driver licensing agency
Jackknife   The phenomenon of a vehicle's rear shaking left and right excessively due to a loss of control
Low-floor bus A bus with a lower-than-usual floor and a ramp instead of a staircase at its entrance/exit to allow the disabled to get on and off without assistance
Headlights Lights installed at the front of a vehicle or motorcycle to enhance visibility at nighttime
Flashers Signal lights that blink
Traction The area of a road surface that a set of wheels or tracks is in contact with
Regular aptitude test A test conducted regularly to verify that suitability of a driver's maintenance of a driver's license
Constant-speed driving The act of driving at a constant speed
Stopping distance The distance traveled by a vehicle from when its driver recognizes a reason to stop to when the vehicle comes to a complete stop (the sum of a free running distance and braking distance)
Stop line A road surface marking indicating where vehicles should stop at a red light
Stopping The act of stopping a vehicle
Level 2 driver's license A general, small vehicle, or motorized bicycle license
Braking distance The distance traveled by a vehicle from when its brakes start operation to when the vehicle comes to a complete stop
Brake lights Red lights in the rear of a vehicle activated when the brake pedal is pressed to indicate braking to vehicles following
Speed limit A maximum speed allowed
Steering The degree of a direction change
Rest stop A facility where drivers can take a break from driving
Comprehensive insurance An insurance that provides comprehensive coverage of bodily injury and property damage experienced by both the victim and offender of a traffic accident 
Left/right-turn sign A sign that indicates a left or right turn can be made
Seat belt A device designed to protect the driver or passenger of a vehicle from impact
Left guide line A line that guides traffic flow to the left
Left thoroughfare The act of driving on the left side of a road
Left-merge road A road with a lane merging on the left
No left turns A sign that prohibits left turns for traffic efficiency
No stopping/parking A sign that prohibits the stopping and parking of a vehicle
Parking The act of parking a vehicle
Center height The distance from a road surface a car's tires are in contact with to the center of the vehicle
Median strip An area installed down the center of a road to separate traffic
Center line A solid or broken yellow line or a median strip installed on roads to indicate the required direction of traffic flow
Summary judgment A trial conducted on minor offenses 
Night blindness The phenomenon where a driver's visibility is greatly reduced by the crossing of his and an oncoming vehicle's headlights
Forklift A motorized cart used to handling and loading pallets
No straight thoroughfare A sign that prohibits straight thoroughfare
Distance between vehicles The distance between two vehicles traveling in a line, from the rear of the vehicle ahead to the front of the following vehicle
Crossing gate An equipment that controls vehicle thoroughfare at a railway crossing
Vehicle road The part of a road where all types of vehicles can travel
Vehicle lane The part of a road marked by a series of lines where vehicles and horses can travel in a single line
Vehicles and horses Collectively refers to motor vehicles, construction machinery, motorized bicycles, push bicycles, and transports powered by a person or animal
Sidelights A light at each side of a vehicle that indicates the vehicle's presence and width to others at nighttime
Liability insurance A mandatory driver insurance that issues the minimum compensation due to the victim of a traffic accident
Railway crossing The intersection of a railway and road
Maximum speed A maximum speed allowed on a straight road
Minimum speed A minimum speed required on a straight road
Rear-end collision The act of colliding with the rear of another vehicle
Wheelbase The distance between the centers of a vehicle's front wheels and rear wheels
Side car A vehicle attached to the side of a two-wheeled vehicle
Tire traction Cohesion between tires and a road surface
Special driver's license A driver's license required to operate special vehicles (e.g. trailer)
Special vehicle A vehicle with a special structure
Tinting A film applied to the glass surfaces of a vehicle for privacy and UV ray blocking
Brake fade The phenomenon where the brakes of a vehicle traveling at a high speed fail to engage
Fire alarm A device made up of a transmitter that warns of a fire, a receiver that processes the warning, and a sound alarm
Roundabout A type of intersection
Pedestrian crossing A part of a road designated for pedestrian thoroughfare and marked by safety signs and road surface markings 
Rear-view mirror A set of mirrors at the sides of a vehicle for viewing the rear